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[Le topic officiel] de l'interface VCT2000 ou DICE avec VADIS ou VIDA


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Invité §bmx063xd



j'essai d'uiliser VIDA après plusieurs mois sans m'en être servi et là impossible, tout se lance mais il ne veut pas se connecter au DICE.

le DICE est connecté reconnu avec le DICE diagnostique, communication test ok, memory test ok, mais pas le interface test.

Comprends pas ou est le problème.

je m'en suis servi 3 ou 4 fois mais la rien qui marche, ca communique pas, pas possible de faire de diagnostique.


Si qqun a une idée.....




j'ai viré .net Framework 4.6 pour n'installer que .net framework 3.5

mais toujours pas de communication entre dice et la Vida ????

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Invité §Six230YQ

Bonjour à tous.

J'ai moi aussi acheté le vida avec son Dice et une version 2014A.

Le PC est sous windows 7 pro.

C'est mon premier PC, donc je tatonne.

J'ai installé le logiciel et lorsque je clique sur All in One, une page s'ouvre, je rentre 1 en username et alors une nouvelle page s'ouvre : Volvo Cars Access Manager

Et on me demande un mot de passe et un nom d'utilisateur.

Je suis bloqué là, si quelqu'un pouvais m'aider.


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Invité §Jo_611wM

Bonsoir, après 3 jours de "travail" intense, j'ai (enfin) réussi à installer VIDA sur mon PC.


Cependant, je recherche une procédure (détection de bruit sur ma porte gauche) et rencontre un problème.


Je la trouve bien dans "Informations de référence -> Bruit -> 83 Portes et portillons -> Portes -> Portes: grincements [...] F9 ).

J'arrive à obtenir la référence de la procédure, mais je n'ai pas accès à la rubrique indiquant la procédure pas-à-pas qui est stockée sous "Recherche de panne -> Recherche de panne".


Une petite photo jointe pour illustrer mes dires, afin de savoir si c'est "MON" VIDA qui ne propose pas cela, ou si c'est pareil pour vous.


Rechercher panne grisé.jpg

"Informations de référence" (souligné en vert sur paint) est accessible pour trouver la procédure.

"Recherche de panne" (souligné en rouge sur paint) est grisé, ne me permettant pas de voir/lire cette procédure.


Merci pour les informations que vous pourrez m'apporter ;)


Edit: en essayant de passer par "Profil du véhicule -> CSC" même résultat. On dirait qu'il manque quelque chose; je ne sais pas encore quoi car je découvre l'usine à gaz actuellement!

Screen du message: Exception.jpg

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Invité §JES500Ba

Bonsoir à tous .


Quelqu'un aurait il déjà utilisé ce boitier autonome Vida Dice : [...] EBIDX%3AIT


Car à vous lire , l'option " PC+Interface " n'a vraiment pas l'air facile à mettre en oeuvre !


Donc je me disais que ce serait peut être pas mal pour un mec comme moi , qui "tâte" un peu en mécanique , mais pas trop en informatique !

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Invité §min183uT

- V60 réceptionnée aujourd'hui

- Vida Recu ce soir

- Installation sans soucis grâce aux infos glanées sur le poste, merci à tous


Donc si besoin d'une lecture du côté de St Etienne c'est jouable

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Bonsoir à tous .


Quelqu'un aurait il déjà utilisé ce boitier autonome Vida Dice : [...] EBIDX%3AIT


Car à vous lire , l'option " PC+Interface " n'a vraiment pas l'air facile à mettre en oeuvre !


Donc je me disais que ce serait peut être pas mal pour un mec comme moi , qui "tâte" un peu en mécanique , mais pas trop en informatique !

@jesda, ce truc n'est pas un DICE, à éviter car il ne te donnera surement pas toutes les informations d'un vrai DICE avec le logiciel VIDA... à fuir !


PS = maintenant de nos jours, il faut inclure un minimum d'informatique dans le savoir mécanique et encore, dans certains cas, il faut un soupçon d'électronique.

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Je vais chasser ça.



Bien sur , j'ai dit une connerie avec la version 2016, car la version 2015 est 100% sur le web... plus de DVD, de logiciel, ça sera en ligne comme photoshop, avec une souscription payante :


à lire ici : [...] thisIsVida



Le nouveau VIDA vous coutera presque environ 600 euros par an en prenant toutes les options.

Ca va faire cher de dépanner les copains (ou soit-même)



Capture d’écran 2017-03-09 à 21-30-27.png



Voici la version 2015



Capture d’écran 2017-03-09 à 21-34-24.png




Explications sur les versions du DICE



Capture d’écran 2017-03-09 à 21-39-19.png

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Invité §JES500Ba

@jesda, ce truc n'est pas un DICE, à éviter car il ne te donnera surement pas toutes les informations d'un vrai DICE avec le logiciel VIDA... à fuir !


PS = maintenant de nos jours, il faut inclure un minimum d'informatique dans le savoir mécanique et encore, dans certains cas, il faut un soupçon d'électronique.

Bien , merci pour ton avis , je préfère toujours prendre des infos sur les "chinoiseries" de "la bay" avant d'acheter ! ;)

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Invité §les266db



Intéressant vos dialogues.J'ai une question: est-ce que le Vida/Dice permet de changer un calculateur et de programmer des injecteurs?

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Aucune programmation possible avec VIDA "cracké". Toute notion de programmation demande un accès à la base de données Volvo qui est non seulement payante mais aussi réservé au garage sous licence.

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Invité §les266db

C'est dommage

et je compare ça à la clip Renault,que j'ai, ou on peut faire ça.

Du coup à part lire les code défauts ça fait quoi?

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Tu peux loguer tous les paramètres de la voiture pour faire un diagnostique plus précis de la panne.

Exemple sur ma S60 R, j'ai loguer es valeurs de pression de la pompe à carburant au ralenti et en utilisation pour voir si les valeurs atteintes étaient celles attendues.


Les exemples sont nombreux puisque j'ai pu comparer les valeurs électriques du boitier papillon ou encore de la suspension pilotée.


VIDA permet aussi de réinitialiser les paramètres après changement des pièces. C'est peut-être cela que tu entendais par reprogrammation des injecteurs. Pour moi, reprogrammation, c'est la modification des paramètres et cela VIDA n'est pas capables de le faire sans une connexion avec le serveur Volvo.

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Invité §les266db



Quand j'entends reprogrammation c'est que je le compare à la clip Renault.Quand tu change un calculateur ou des injecteurs il faut que tu rentre les nouveaux numéros de série sinon ils ne sont pas reconnus par le système.

Donc d'après ce que tu mes dis je suppose que Le VIDA Dice le fait.

Est-ce qu'on peut aussi jouer sur les accentuateurs c'est à dire faire fonctionner un clignotant en envoyant une commande ou faire fonctionner une bougie de préchauffage?

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Oui aux deux questions. Mais seulement si nécessaire.

Par exemple, le changement d'injecteur n'induit pas une réinitialisation sur les modèles de Volvo que j'ai pu toucher mécaniquement.


J'arrive aussi à faire fonctionner feux de jour, xenon ou led à partir de VIDA sur la V40 T5.

Mais à contrario, je n'arrive pas à changer la "programmation" des feux de jour pour qu'ils restent constamment en marche (même avec les Xénons allumés), comme c'est le cas dans les pays nordiques.

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Invité §les266db

Ca c'est cool pas de réinitialisation pour le changement d'injecteurs.

J'ai jamais compris pourquoi il faut rentrer le numéro de série chez Renault.

Ca c'est juste pour que le bricoleur passe par un garage Renault qui au passage s'en met plein les poches!!

P....! de buisness!


Pour les feux de jour que tu veux modifier 2 choix se présentent:

1) c'est peut-être modifiable que par Volvo et donc verouillé par eux

2) c'est défini de telle manière que c'est une config usine qui n'est pas paramétrable afin de rester conforme à la réglementation

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C'est une configuration modifiable via la base de donnée des programmes disponibles à partir de VIDA. J'ai eu une C30 qui venait des pays-bas avec les feux constamment allumés. Il a fallu que je passe par Volvo pour supprimer cette fonction: coût de l'opération 50€.

Comme j'ai VIDA, maintenant, je me suis dit que je pourrais le faire par moi-même sur la V40 T5 et on ne peut pas car le logiciel demande un accès à la base de donnée Volvo.

Même chose sur une S60 de 2005 ou 2004, alors que je voulais programmer la fermeture des portes à partir de 7 kms/h et ça non-plus ce n'est pas possible de chez moi.

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Invité §les266db

Pour la S60 c'est étonnant car sur ma V50 de 2009 je peux paramétrer la fermeture des portes ou pas.Par contre pas en fonction de la vitesse.

C'est tout ou rien

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Invité §les266db

Bonsoir Nefan,


1)Ou as -tu acheté Vida Dice bien que j'ai des infos la-dessus?

2)Etait tu content du délai de livraison et du sav si toutefois tu as du faire appel à eux?

3)Tu n'a pas trop galéré pour l'installer parce que dans ce que j'ai lu....pfff c'est pas évident?


Perso lorsque j'ai installé la clip Renault j'ai bien galéré....

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Acheté sur EBAY via un chinois quelconque.

Délai de livraison correct pour un kit qui arrive de l'autre côté du monde mais je n'ai jamais eu besoin de faire appel à eux par la suite.


Et enfin, non, je n'ai pas galéré pour installer VIDA sur un PC portable Dell (pc professionel) ou Packard Bell (PC Perso), tout deux avec windows XP SP3.

Depuis j'ai passé le Packard Bell à Windows 10 et biensur Vida ne marche plus. Je garde donc pour l'instant le Dell sous XP.

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Bonjour Nefan,


tu as réussi à faire tourner Vida sur XP ? Tu utilises quelle version ?

J'ai le 2014B et il me faut impérativement Seven Pro, même la version familiale ne fonctionne pas...

J'aimerai bien le faire tourner sous XP...

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Invité §les266db

Pour Vida

si ce n'est pas un PC en XP et d'après ce que j'ai compris il faut installer VirtualBox et y coller un OS en win XP.


Ca c'est le problème avec l'évolution technologique.On dit toujours qui peut le plus peut le moins...en tout c'est pas vrai avec l'informatique ou alors il faut ruser et avoir des connaissances que monsieur tout le monde n'a pas!


J'ai déjà vu notre informaticien faire ça avec une virtualBox pour y faire tourner un autre logiciel et ça fonctionne!

Donc à faire avec Vida à moins de trouver un ancien PC en XP

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Invité §Gre555jo

Bonjour a tous


Ayant fait l'acquisition de vida pour mon v50 jai reussi a l'installer (non moins sans peine) si on a pas une version pro de win 7ou 10 autant vous dire tout de suite que sans une machine virtuelle sa ne fonctionnera pas..


Apres le 1er diag et effacement du code erreur suite a la vidange jai dautre petit code bisarre qui s'affiche comme le relais de bougie de prechauffage ( alors que la voiture demarre nikel meme par temps froid)

Et une absence de signal dans le reseau grande vitesse can h ( dans les infos sa met que la voiture ne demarre pas et que sa l'indique mais rien de tout sa )

Et ensuite l'etallonage de la clim que je n'arrive pas a faire je pense que le soucis n'est plus electrique mais mecanique...

J'aimerais surtout remettre la clim en fonction qui ne fait que du froid a gauche et du chaud a droite

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Bonjour Nefan,


tu as réussi à faire tourner Vida sur XP ? Tu utilises quelle version ?

J'ai le 2014B et il me faut impérativement Seven Pro, même la version familiale ne fonctionne pas...

J'aimerai bien le faire tourner sous XP...


Désolé, je me suis trompé mon DELL professionnel est bien sous Windows 7 Pro.... et non plus sous XP Pro. :pfff:

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Invité §Gre555jo

@topassss de quel mise à jour tu parles !?


Tu as en tout plein de reinitialisation possible dans le menu communication du véhicule (étalonnage de la clim des vitres etc et plusieurs test)

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Invité §lpa243XF

Pour ceux que cela intéresse, voici la liste des 2180 Codes erreurs possibles sur nos Volvo lisibles sur Vida par ordre alphabétique pour chaque module.


Bonne lecture à tous :D


ABS-0010 Left front wheel sensor Signal missing. Intermittent fault

ABS-0010 Left front wheel sensor Signal missing. Permanent fault

ABS-0010 Left front wheel sensor. Signal missing. Intermittent fault

ABS-0010 Left front wheel sensor. Signal missing. Permanent fault

ABS-0011 Left front wheel sensor Faulty signal

ABS-0011 Left front wheel sensor. Faulty signal

ABS-0012 Left front wheel sensor Faulty signal

ABS-0020 Right front wheel sensor. Signal missing. Intermittent fault

ABS-0020 Right front wheel sensor. Signal missing. Permanent fault

ABS-0021 Right front wheel sensor. Faulty signal

ABS-0022 Front right wheel sensor. Faulty signal

ABS-0022 Right front wheel sensor. Faulty signal

ABS-0030 Left rear wheel sensor Signal missing. Intermittent fault

ABS-0030 Left rear wheel sensor Signal missing. Permanent fault

ABS-0030 Left rear wheel sensor. Signal missing. Intermittent fault

ABS-0030 Left rear wheel sensor. Signal missing. Permanent fault

ABS-0031 Left rear wheel sensor. Faulty signal

ABS-0032 Left rear wheel sensor. Faulty signal

ABS-0040 Right rear wheel sensor. Signal missing. Intermittent fault

ABS-0040 Right rear wheel sensor. Signal missing. Permanent fault

ABS-0041 Right rear wheel sensor. Faulty signal

ABS-0042 Right rear wheel sensor. Faulty signal

ABS-0064 Stop lamp switch. Faulty signal

ABS-0065 Stop (brake) lamp switch. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

ABS-0065 Stop (brake) light switch. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

ABS-0065 Stop (brake) light switch. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

ABS-0066 Front brake discs. Temperature too high

ABS-0070 Pump motor. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

ABS-0070 Pump motor. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

ABS-0072 Control module. Internal fault. Intermittent fault

ABS-0072 Control module. Internal fault. Permanent fault

ABS-0074 Battery voltage. Voltage too low. Intermittent fault

ABS-0074 Battery voltage. Voltage too low. Permanent fault

ABS-0075 Control module. Internal fault. Intermittent fault

ABS-0075 Control module. Internal fault. Permanent fault

ABS-0076 Control module. Faulty configuration

ABS-0077 Battery voltage. Voltage too high. Intermittent fault

ABS-0077 Battery voltage. Voltage too high. Permanent fault

ABS-0080 Control module. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

ABS-0080 Control module. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

ABS-0090 Control module. Internal fault. Intermittent fault

ABS-0090 Control module. Internal fault. Permanent fault

ABS-0091 Control module communication. Control module communication

ABS-0092 Control module communication. Control module communication

ABS-0093 Control module communication. Control module communication

ABS-0094 Control module communication. Control module communication

ABS-0095 Control module communication. Control module communication. Intermittent fault

ABS-0095 Control module communication. Control module communication. Permanent fault

ABS-0097 Control module. Excessive configuration time

ABS-00A0 Yaw-velocity sensor 1. Signal faulty. Intermittent fault

ABS-00A0 Yaw-velocity sensor 1. Signal faulty. Permanent fault

ABS-00A1 Yaw rate sensor 1 & 2. Signal outside its permitted range

ABS-00A2 Side acceleration sensor. Signal faulty. Intermittent fault

ABS-00A2 Side acceleration sensor. Signal faulty. Permanent fault

ABS-00A3 Lateral acceleration sensor Signal outside its permitted range

ABS-00A3 Side acceleration sensor. Unreasonable signal

ABS-00A4 Brake pressure sensor 1. Signal faulty. Intermittent fault

ABS-00A4 Brake pressure sensor 1. Signal faulty. Permanent fault

ABS-00A5 Brake pressure sensor 2. Signal faulty. Intermittent fault

ABS-00A5 Brake pressure sensor 2. Signal faulty. Permanent fault

ABS-00A6 Brake pressure sensor 1 & 2. Signal outside its permitted range

ABS-00A7 Power supply sensor. Signal faulty. Intermittent fault

ABS-00A7 Sensor power supply. Signal faulty. Permanent fault

ABS-00B0 Brake amplifier pre-pressure valve Signal faulty. Intermittent fault

ABS-00B0 Brake amplifier pre-pressure valve Signal faulty. Permanent fault

ABS-00B0 Power brake booster pressure build-up valve. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

ABS-00B1 Pedal pressure sensor. Signal faulty. Intermittent fault

ABS-00B1 Pedal pressure sensor. Signal faulty. Permanent fault

ABS-00B2 Yaw-velocity sensor 2. Signal faulty. Intermittent fault

ABS-00B2 Yaw-velocity sensor 2. Signal faulty. Permanent fault

ABS-00B3 Communication control unit SAS signal. Unreasonable signal

ABS-00B4 Communication control unit SAS control unit not initiated

ABS-00B5 Communication control unit SAS signal quality

ABS-00B6 Communication control unit Internal fault in CAN or SAS

ABS-00B7 Communication control unit Incorrect wheel alignment or steering angle

ABS-00C0 Stabilising function. AYC stabilisation takes too long

ABS-00C1 Stabilising function. Incorrect wheel alignment or steering wheel positioning

ABS-00C2 Reversing signal. Unreasonable signal

ABS-00C3 Reversing signal. No signal

ABS-00C4 Control unit. Internal fault

ABS-00C7 DSTC Factory test. The testing cycle is not approved

ADM-0001 Additive dosing module (ADM). Internal fault

ADM-0002 Level sensor, additive. Faulty signal

ADM-0003 Level sensor, additive. Faulty signal

ADM-0004 Tank level, additive. Fault-tracing information

ADM-0005 Tank level, additive. Fault-tracing information

ADM-0006 Pump, additive. Signal missing

ADM-0007 Pump, additive. Signal too low

ADM-0008 Pump, additive. Signal too high

ADM-0009 Control module. Incorrect configuration

ADM-000A Vehicle speed. Faulty signal

ADM-000B Fuel level. Faulty signal

ADM-E000 Control module. Faulty communication

ADM-E003 Configuration fault

ADM-E010 Power supply control module. Signal too low

AEM-1A01 Power supply. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

AEM-1A01 Power supply. Signal too low. Permanent fault

AEM-1D01 Control module. Internal fault

AEM-1D01 Control module. Internal fault. Intermittent fault

AEM-1D01 Control module. Internal fault. Permanent fault

AEM-1D02 Control module, software. Internal fault

AEM-1D02 Control module, software. Internal fault. Intermittent fault

AEM-1D02 Control module, software. Internal fault. Permanent fault

AEM-1D03 Control module not fully programmed. Internal fault

AEM-1D03 Control module not fully programmed. Internal fault. Intermittent fault

AEM-1D03 Control module not fully programmed. Internal fault. Permanent fault

AEM-1D07 Control module. Internal fault

AEM-1D07 Control module. Internal fault. Intermittent fault

AEM-1D07 Control module. Internal fault. Permanent fault

AEM-1D08 Control module. Internal fault

AEM-1D08 Control module. Internal fault. Intermittent fault

AEM-1D08 Control module. Internal fault. Permanent fault

AEM-1D0A Control module. Internal fault

AEM-1D0A Control module. Internal fault. Intermittent fault

AEM-1D0A Control module. Internal fault. Permanent fault

AEM-4F60 Back-up (reversing) warning system. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

AEM-4F60 Back-up (reversing) warning system. Signal too low. Permanent fault

AEM-4F61 Back-up (reversing) warning system. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

AEM-4F61 Back-up (reversing) warning system. Signal too high. Permanent fault

AEM-4F62 Back-up (reversing) warning system, buzzer. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

AEM-4F62 Back-up (reversing) warning system, buzzer. Signal too low. Permanent fault

AEM-4F63 Back-up (reversing) warning system, buzzer. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

AEM-4F63 Back-up (reversing) warning system, buzzer. Signal too high. Permanent fault

AEM-5F10 Relay, engine block heater. Signal too low

AEM-5F10 Relay, engine block heater. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

AEM-5F10 Relay, engine block heater. Signal too low. Permanent fault

AEM-5F11 Relay, engine block heater. Signal too high / Signal missing

AEM-5F11 Relay, engine block heater. Signal too high or Signal missing. Intermittent fault

AEM-5F11 Relay, engine block heater. Signal too high or Signal missing. Permanent fault

AEM-5F20 Remote start. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

AEM-5F20 Remote start. Signal too low. Permanent fault

AEM-5F22 Remote start. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

AEM-5F22 Remote start. Signal too low. Permanent fault

AEM-5F23 Remote start. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

AEM-5F23 Remote start. Signal too high. Permanent fault

AEM-6C50 Alarm output P0. Signal too low or signal missing

AEM-6C50 Alarm output P0. Signal too low or signal missing. Intermittent fault

AEM-6C50 Alarm output P0. Signal too low or signal missing. Permanent fault

AEM-6C51 Alarm output P0. Signal too high

AEM-6C51 Alarm output P0. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

AEM-6C51 Alarm output P0. Signal too high. Permanent fault

AEM-6C52 Alarm output P1. Signal too low or signal missing

AEM-6C52 Alarm output P1. Signal too low or signal missing. Intermittent fault

AEM-6C52 Alarm output P1. Signal too low or signal missing. Permanent fault

AEM-6C53 Alarm output P1. Signal too high

AEM-6C53 Alarm output P1. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

AEM-6C53 Alarm output P1. Signal too high. Permanent fault

AEM-6C54 Alarm output S0. Signal too low or signal missing

AEM-6C54 Alarm output S0. Signal too low or signal missing. Intermittent fault

AEM-6C54 Alarm output S0. Signal too low or signal missing. Permanent fault

AEM-6C55 Alarm output S0. Signal too high

AEM-6C55 Alarm output S0. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

AEM-6C55 Alarm output S0. Signal too high. Permanent fault

AEM-6C56 Alarm output S1. Signal too low

AEM-6C56 Alarm output S1. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

AEM-6C56 Alarm output S1. Signal too low. Permanent fault

AEM-6C57 Alarm output S1. Signal too high / Signal missing

AEM-6C57 Alarm output S1. Signal too high or Signal missing. Intermittent fault

AEM-6C57 Alarm output S1. Signal too high or Signal missing. Permanent fault

AEM-7A10 Carphone mute signal. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

AEM-7A10 Carphone mute signal. Signal too low. Permanent fault

AEM-7A11 Carphone mute signal. Signal too high or Signal missing. Intermittent fault

AEM-7A11 Carphone mute signal. Signal too high or Signal missing. Permanent fault

AEM-7A12 Rheostat signal. Signal too low / high or signal missing. Intermittent fault

AEM-7A12 Rheostat signal. Signal too low / high or signal missing. Permanent fault

AEM-7A14 Speed signal. Signal too low / high or signal missing. Intermittent fault

AEM-7A14 Speed signal. Signal too low / high or signal missing. Permanent fault

AEM-7A16 Antenna amplifier. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

AEM-7A16 Antenna amplifier. Signal too low. Permanent fault

AEM-7A17 Antenna amplifier. Signal too high or Signal missing. Intermittent fault

AEM-7A17 Antenna amplifier. Signal too high or Signal missing. Permanent fault

AEM-E001 Control module communication. Faulty communication

AEM-E003 Configuration fault. Faulty configuration

AEM-E003 Control module communication Faulty communication

AEM-E010 Power supply. Signal too low

AFM-0001 Antenna AM/FM. Signal missing

AFM-0002 Antenna AM/FM. Signal too high

AFM-0003 Antenna AM/FM. Configuration fault

ATM-0001 Antenna module (ATM). Non matching

ATM-0002 TMC receiver. Configuration fault

ATM-0003 TMC receiver. Signal missing

ATM-0004 GPS unit. Configuration fault

ATM-0005 GPS unit. Signal missing

ATM-0006 GPS unit. Internal fault

ATM-0007 GPS unit. Internal fault

AUD-0001 Control module. Internal fault

AUD-0002 Loudspeaker left front. Signal missing

AUD-0003 Loudspeaker right front. Signal missing

AUD-0004 Loudspeaker left rear. Signal missing

AUD-0005 Loudspeaker right rear. Signal missing

AUD-0006 Loudspeaker left front. Signal too high / low

AUD-0007 Center loudspeaker. Signal too high / low

AUD-0008 Loudspeaker right front. Signal too high / low

AUD-0009 Loudspeaker left rear. Signal too high / low

AUD-000A Loudspeaker right rear. Signal too high / low

AUD-000B Loudspeakers front. Signal too high / low

AUD-000C Loudspeaker rear. Signal too high / low

AUD-000D Control module. Over heated

AUD-000E Microphone terminal. Signal missing

AUD-000F Microphone terminal. Signal too high

AUD-0010 Microphone terminal. Signal too low

AUD-0011 Buttons headset 1. Signal missing

AUD-0012 Buttons headset 1. Signal too low

AUD-0013 Buttons headset 2. Signal too low

AUD-0014 Buttons headset 2. Signal missing

AUD-0015 Buttons headset 3. Signal missing

AUD-0016 Buttons headset 3. Signal too low

AUD-0017 Buttons headset 4. Signal missing

AUD-0018 Buttons headset 4. Signal too low

AUD-0019 Headset panel left. Activated too long

AUD-001A Headset panel right. Activated too long

AUM-1000 Memory control Audio HU1205. Faulty signal

AUM-2000 CD-servo Audio HU1205. Faulty signal

AUM-2100 CD unit Audio HU1205. Faulty signal

AUM-3000 GPS receiver Audio HU1205. Faulty signal

AUM-3100 GPS antenna Audio HU1205. Faulty signal

AUM-4001 Antenna amplifier 1. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

AUM-4001 Antenna amplifier 1. Signal too low. Permanent fault

AUM-4002 Amplifier, main antenna. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

AUM-4002 Amplifier, main antenna. Signal too high. Permanent fault

AUM-40FF Amplifier, main antenna. Signal missing. Intermittent fault

AUM-40FF Amplifier, main antenna. Signal missing. Permanent fault

AUM-41FF Amplifier, sub-antenna. Signal missing. Intermittent fault

AUM-41FF Amplifier, sub-antenna. Signal missing. Permanent fault

AUM-4201 Single CD player. Focus fault. Intermittent fault

AUM-4201 Single CD player. Focus fault. Permanent fault

AUM-4201 Single CD player. Focusing fault. Intermittent fault

AUM-4201 Single CD player. Focussing fault. Permanent fault

AUM-4203 Single CD player. MD/CD servo fault. Intermittent fault

AUM-4203 Single CD player. MD/CD servo fault. Permanent fault

AUM-42F1 Single CD player. Fault in load / eject. Intermittent fault

AUM-42F1 Single CD player. Fault in load / eject. Permanent fault

AUM-42F1 Single CD player. Fault in load/eject. Intermittent fault

AUM-42F1 Single CD player. Fault in load/eject. Permanent fault

AUM-42F3 Single CD player. Pick-up fault. Intermittent fault

AUM-42F3 Single CD player. Pick-up fault. Permanent fault

AUM-42FF Single CD player. Not connected or communication problems. Intermittent fault

AUM-42FF Single CD player. Not connected or communication problems. Permanent fault

AUM-4301 MiniDisc player. Focus fault. Permanent fault

AUM-4301 MiniDisc player. Focusing fault. Intermittent fault

AUM-4301 MiniDisc player. Focusing fault. Permanent fault

AUM-4303 MiniDisc player

AUM-4303 MiniDisc player. MD/CD servo fault. Intermittent fault

AUM-4303 MiniDisc player. MD/CD servo fault. Permanent fault

AUM-43F1 MiniDisc player. Fault in load / eject. Permanent fault

AUM-43F1 MiniDisc player. Fault in load/eject. Intermittent fault

AUM-43F1 MiniDisc player. Fault in load/eject. Permanent fault

AUM-43F3 MiniDisc player. Pick-up fault. Intermittent fault

AUM-43F3 MiniDisc player. Pick-up fault. Permanent fault

AUM-43FF MiniDisc player. Not connected or communication problems. Intermittent fault

AUM-43FF MiniDisc player. Not connected or communication problems. Permanent fault

AUM-4401 4 disc CD changer. Focus fault. Intermittent fault

AUM-4401 4 disc CD changer. Focus fault. Permanent fault

AUM-4401 4 disc CD changer. Focusing fault. Intermittent fault

AUM-4401 4 disc CD changer. Focusing fault. Permanent fault

AUM-4403 4 disc CD changer. MD/CD servo fault. Intermittent fault

AUM-4403 4 disc CD changer. MD/CD servo fault. Permanent fault

AUM-44F1 4 disc CD changer. Fault in load / eject + E58. Intermittent fault

AUM-44F1 4 disc CD changer. Fault in load / eject + E58. Permanent fault

AUM-44F1 4 disc CD changer. Fault in load/eject + E58. Intermittent fault

AUM-44F1 4 disc CD changer. Fault in load/eject + E58. Permanent fault

AUM-44F2 4 disc CD changer. Fault in disc selection. Intermittent fault

AUM-44F2 4 disc CD changer. Fault in disc selection. Permanent fault

AUM-44F3 4 disc CD changer. Pick-up fault. Intermittent fault

AUM-44F3 4 disc CD changer. Pick-up fault. Permanent fault

AUM-44FF 4 disc CD changer. Not connected or communication problems. Intermittent fault

AUM-44FF 4 disc CD changer. Not connected or communication problems. Permanent fault

AUM-4501 Cassette deck. Fault in load / eject. Permanent fault

AUM-4501 Cassette deck. Fault in load/eject. Intermittent fault

AUM-4501 Cassette deck. Fault in load/eject. Permanent fault

AUM-45FF Cassette deck. Not connected or communication problems. Intermittent fault

AUM-45FF Cassette deck. Not connected or communication problems. Permanent fault

AUM-4601 10 disc CD changer. Focus fault. Permanent fault

AUM-4601 10 disc CD changer. Focusing fault. Intermittent fault

AUM-4601 10 disc CD changer. Focusing fault. Permanent fault

AUM-4603 10 disc CD changer. CD servo fault. Intermittent fault

AUM-4603 10 disc CD changer. CD servo fault. Permanent fault

AUM-46F1 10 disc CD changer. Fault in load / eject. Permanent fault

AUM-46F1 10 disc CD changer. Fault in load/eject. Intermittent fault

AUM-46F1 10 disc CD changer. Fault in load/eject. Permanent fault

AUM-46F2 10 disc CD changer. Fault in disc selection. Intermittent fault

AUM-46F2 10 disc CD changer. Fault in disc selection. Permanent fault

AUM-46F3 10 disc CD changer. Pick-up fault. Intermittent fault

AUM-46F3 10 disc CD changer. Pick-up fault. Permanent fault

AUM-46FE 10 disc CD changer. Faulty installation. Intermittent fault

AUM-46FE 10 disc CD changer. Faulty installation. Permanent fault

AUM-46FF 10 disc CD changer. Not connected or communication problems. Intermittent fault

AUM-46FF 10 disc CD changer. Not connected or communication problems. Permanent fault

AUM-47FE Amplifier. Faulty installation. Intermittent fault

AUM-47FE Amplifier. Faulty installation. Permanent fault

AUM-47FF Amplifier. Not connected or communication problems. Intermittent fault

AUM-47FF Amplifier. Not connected or communication problems. Permanent fault

AUM-48FD Control module. Faulty frequency setting. Intermittent fault

AUM-48FD Control module. Faulty frequency setting. Permanent fault

AUM-49FD Control module. Faulty installation. Intermittent fault

AUM-49FD Control module. Faulty installation. Permanent fault

AUM-4BFF Control module. Internal program fault. Intermittent fault

AUM-4BFF Control module. Internal program fault. Permanent fault

AUM-6000 Audio unit Audio HU1205. Faulty signal

AUM-E001 Communication with control module. Internal fault

AUM-E001 Control module communication. Faulty communication

AUM-E003 Communication with control module. Internal fault. Intermittent fault

AUM-E003 Communication with control module. Internal fault. Permanent fault

AUM-E003 Configuration fault. Faulty configuration

BCM-0010 Left front wheel sensor. Signal missing

BCM-0010 Wheel sensor left front. Faulty signal

BCM-0011 Left front wheel sensor. Faulty signal

BCM-0011 Wheel sensor left front. Faulty signal

BCM-0012 Left front wheel sensor. Faulty signal

BCM-0012 Wheel sensor left front. Mechanical fault

BCM-0020 Right front wheel sensor. Signal missing

BCM-0020 Wheel sensor right front. Faulty signal

BCM-0021 Right front wheel sensor. Faulty signal

BCM-0021 Wheel sensor right front. Faulty signal

BCM-0022 Right front wheel sensor. Faulty signal

BCM-0022 Wheel sensor right front. Mechanical fault

BCM-0030 Left rear wheel sensor. Signal missing

BCM-0030 Wheel sensor left rear. Faulty signal

BCM-0031 Left rear wheel sensor. Faulty signal

BCM-0031 Wheel sensor left rear. Faulty signal

BCM-0032 Left rear wheel sensor. Faulty signal

BCM-0032 Wheel sensor left rear. Mechanical fault

BCM-0040 Right rear wheel sensor. Signal missing

BCM-0040 Wheel sensor right rear. Faulty signal

BCM-0041 Right rear wheel sensor. Faulty signal

BCM-0041 Wheel sensor right rear. Faulty signal

BCM-0042 Right rear wheel sensor. Faulty signal

BCM-0042 Wheel sensor right rear. Mechanical fault

BCM-0050 Control module. Faulty signal

BCM-0052 Control module. Internal fault

BCM-0057 Power supply. Voltage too low

BCM-0058 Power supply. Voltage too high

BCM-0061 Brake discs. Temperature too high

BCM-0065 Stop lamp switch. Faulty signal

BCM-0065 Stop lamp switch/pedal position sensor. Signal outside its permitted range

BCM-0068 Sensor power supply. Faulty signal

BCM-0070 Power supply for the pump motor. Faulty signal

BCM-0071 Pump motor. Signal missing

BCM-0072 Pump motor. Mechanical fault

BCM-0074 Hydraulic valves. Faulty signal

BCM-0076 Control module. Faulty configuration

BCM-0080 Lateral accelerometer. Incorrect offset value

BCM-0081 Accelerometer. Incorrect offset value

BCM-0082 Yaw rate sensor. Incorrect offset value

BCM-0083 Angle of lean sensor. Incorrect offset value

BCM-0090 Lateral accelerometer. Faulty signal

BCM-0091 Accelerometer. Faulty signal

BCM-0092 Yaw rate sensor. Faulty signal

BCM-0093 Angle of lean sensor. Faulty signal

BCM-0094 Communication between control modules. Communication problems with Active on Demand Coupling

BCM-0094 Communication between control modules. Communication problems with the differential electronic module (DEM)

BCM-0095 Communication between control modules. Communication problems with Active on Demand Coupling

BCM-0095 Communication between control modules. Communication problems with the differential electronic module (DEM)

BCM-0097 Communication between control modules. Communication problems with the central electronic module (CEM)

BCM-0100 Communication between control modules. Communication problems with the engine control module (ECM)

BCM-0101 Communication between control modules. Communication problems with the engine control module (ECM)

BCM-0103 Pedal position sensor. Faulty signal

BCM-0105 Steering wheel, wheel alignment. Signal outside its permitted range

BCM-0106 Steering wheel or wheel alignment. Incorrect steering wheel or wheel alignment

BCM-0106 Steering wheel, wheel alignment. Incorrect steering wheel or wheel alignment

BCM-0108 Communication between control modules. Communication problems with the steering wheel module (SWM), control module not initiated

BCM-0108 Communication between control modules. Communication with the steering angle sensor. Control module not initiated

BCM-0109 Communication between control modules. Communication with the steering angle sensor. Internal fault

BCM-0109 Communication between control modules. Steering wheel module (SWM), internal fault

BCM-0111 Communication between control modules. AYC stability control active for too long

BCM-0111 Communication between control modules. Check of the steering angle sensor tolerances has not been run

BCM-0112 Active yaw control sensor. Sensor not calibrated

BCM-0112 Body sensor cluster stability sensor (BSC). Sensor not calibrated

BCM-0113 Back-up (reversing) signal. Signal missing

BCM-0114 Communication with the active yaw control sensor. Signal missing

BCM-0114 Communication with the body sensor cluster stability sensor (BSC). Signal missing

BCM-0115 Communication between control modules. Communication with the steering angle sensor. Signal missing

BCM-0115 Communication between control modules. Communication with the steering wheel module (SWM), signal missing

BCM-0116 Communication with the active yaw control sensor. Communication problems

BCM-0116 Communication with the body sensor cluster stability sensor (BSC). Communication problems

BCM-0117 Communication with the active yaw control sensor. An incorrect active yaw control sensor had been installed

BCM-0117 Communication with the body sensor cluster stability sensor (BSC). Incorrect body sensor cluster stability sensor (BSC) installe

BCM-0118 Power supply for the active yaw control sensor. Voltage too high

BCM-0118 Power supply for the body sensor cluster stability sensor (BSC). Voltage too high

BCM-0119 Power supply for the active yaw control sensor. Voltage too low

BCM-0119 Power supply for the body sensor cluster stability sensor (BSC). Voltage too low

BCM-0121 Yaw rate sensor. Signal outside its permitted range

BCM-0123 Active yaw control sensor. Internal fault

BCM-0123 Body sensor cluster stability sensor (BSC). Internal fault

BCM-0125 Lateral accelerometer. Signal outside its permitted range

BCM-0127 Angle of lean sensor. Signal outside its permitted range

BCM-0129 Accelerometer. Signal outside its permitted range

BCM-0130 Brake pressure sensor 1. Signal too low

BCM-0130 Brake pressure sensor. Signal missing

BCM-0131 Brake pressure sensor. Faulty signal

BCM-0132 Brake pressure sensor. Incorrect temperature

BCM-0133 Brake pressure sensor 2. Signal too low

BCM-0133 Brake pressure sensor. Faulty signal

BCM-0134 Brake pressure sensor. Incorrect offset value

BCM-0135 Brake pressure sensor. Signal outside its permitted range

BCM-0136 Brake pressure sensor 1 and 2. Signal outside its permitted range

BCM-0138 Power supply for the active yaw control sensor. Faulty voltage

BCM-0138 Power supply for the body sensor cluster stability sensor (BSC). Faulty voltage

BCM-0139 Pressure build-up valve, power brake booster. Signal outside its permitted range

BCM-0140 Pedal pressure sensor. Signal outside its permitted range

BCM-0145 Stability control. Stability control has been active for too long

BCM-0145 Stability control. Too long stability control

BCM-0146 Factory test, dynamic stability and traction control (DSTC). Test cycle not approved

BCM-0147 Pedal position sensor. Signal outside its permitted range

CCM-0001 Blower fan motor. Signal too low

CCM-0001 Configuration fault. Non-approved value

CCM-0002 Blower fan motor. Signal too high

CCM-0002 Evaporator temperature sensor. Signal too high / Signal missing

CCM-0002 Evaporator temperature sensor. Signal too high or signal missing

CCM-0003 Blower fan motor passenger compartment temperature sensor. Faulty signal

CCM-0003 Evaporator temperature sensor. Signal too low

CCM-0004 Compressor. Faulty signal

CCM-0004 Passenger compartment temperature sensor. Signal too high / Signal missing

CCM-0004 Passenger compartment temperature sensor. Signal too high or signal missing

CCM-0005 Evaporator temperature sensor. Signal too high

CCM-0005 Passenger compartment temperature sensor. Signal too high / Signal missing

CCM-0005 Passenger compartment temperature sensor. Signal too low

CCM-0006 Blower fan motor passenger compartment temperature sensor. Signal too high / Signal missing

CCM-0006 Blower fan motor passenger compartment temperature sensor. Signal too high or signal missing

CCM-0006 Evaporator temperature sensor. Signal too low

CCM-0006 Temperature damper motor position sensor. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

CCM-0006 Temperature damper motor position sensor. Signal too low. Permanent fault

CCM-0007 Passenger compartment temperature sensor. Faulty signal

CCM-0007 Temperature damper motor position sensor. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

CCM-0007 Temperature damper motor position sensor. Signal too high. Permanent fault

CCM-0008 Blower fan motor passenger compartment temperature sensor. Signal too low

CCM-0008 Sun sensor. Signal too high

CCM-0009 Blower fan motor passenger compartment temperature sensor. Blocked

CCM-0009 Sun sensor. Signal too low

CCM-000A Air distribution damper motor position sensor Signal too low. Intermittent fault

CCM-000A Air distribution damper motor position sensor Signal too low. Permanent fault

CCM-000A Nightfall sensor. Signal faulty. Intermittent fault

CCM-000A Nightfall sensor. Signal faulty. Permanent fault

CCM-000B Air distribution damper motor position sensor. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

CCM-000B Air distribution damper motor position sensor. Signal too high. Permanent fault

CCM-000B Left temperature damper motor. Signal too low

CCM-000C Right temperature damper motor. Signal too low

CCM-000D Recirculation damper motor. Signal too low

CCM-000E Damper motor, floor / ventilation. Signal too low

CCM-000F Damper motor defroster. Signal too low

CCM-0010 Air distribution damper motor. Signal too low

CCM-0010 Control module. Internal fault

CCM-0011 Control module. Internal fault

CCM-0011 Left temperature damper motor. Signal too high

CCM-0012 Right temperature damper motor. Signal too high

CCM-0012 Temperature damper motor. Blocked

CCM-0013 Air distribution damper motor. Blocked

CCM-0013 Recirculation damper motor. Signal too high. Permanent fault

CCM-0014 Damper motor, floor and ventilation. Signal too high

CCM-0015 Damper motor defroster. Signal too high

CCM-0016 Air distribution damper motor. Signal too high

CCM-0017 Damper motor direction control. Signal too low

CCM-0017 Direction regulator damper motor. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

CCM-0017 Direction regulator damper motor. Signal too low. Permanent fault

CCM-0018 Damper motor direction control. Signal too high

CCM-0018 Direction regulator damper motor. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

CCM-0018 Direction regulator damper motor. Signal too high. Permanent fault

CCM-0019 Function button. Activated for long time. Intermittent fault

CCM-0019 Function button. Activated for long time. Permanent fault

CCM-0019 Function button. Activated too long

CCM-001A Blower fan knob. Faulty signal

CCM-001B Blower fan motor. Signal too low

CCM-001B Lower switch. ID missing

CCM-001C Lower switch. Faulty ID

CCM-001D Left temperature knob. Faulty signal

CCM-001E Right Temperature knob. Faulty signal

CCM-001F Air quality sensor. Signal too high

CCM-001F Blower fan motor. Signal too high

CCM-0020 Air quality sensor. Signal too low

CCM-0020 Blower fan power unit. Signal too high

CCM-0020 Function button. Activated too long

CCM-0021 Air quality sensor. Internal fault

CCM-0021 Blower fan power unit. Signal too low

CCM-0022 Air quality sensor. Faulty ID

CCM-0030 Left heater pad. Faulty signal

CCM-0031 Sensor left-hand seat heater. Faulty signal

CCM-0032 Left-hand seat heater. Internal fault

CCM-0033 Left-hand seat heater. Internal fault

CCM-0034 Right heater pad. Faulty signal

CCM-0035 Sensor right-hand seat heater. Faulty signal

CCM-0036 Right-hand seat heater. Internal fault

CCM-0037 Right-hand seat heater. Internal fault

CCM-0040 Air quality sensor. Internal fault

CCM-0045 Blower fan relay. Signal too high

CCM-0046 Blower fan relay. Signal too low

CCM-0050 Blower fan knob. Faulty signal

CCM-0051 Temperature control left. Faulty signal

CCM-0052 Left-hand seat heater. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

CCM-0052 Left-hand seat heater. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

CCM-0052 Temperature control right. Faulty signal

CCM-0053 Air distribution control. Faulty signal

CCM-0053 Right-hand seat heater. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

CCM-0053 Right-hand seat heater. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

CCM-0056 Communication with the left-hand seat heater. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

CCM-0056 Communication with the left-hand seat heater. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

CCM-0057 Communication with the right-hand seat heater. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

CCM-0057 Communication with the right-hand seat heater. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

CCM-0058 Communication with the left-hand seat heater. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

CCM-0058 Communication with the left-hand seat heater. Signal too high. Permanent fault

CCM-0059 Communication with the right-hand seat heater. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

CCM-0059 Communication with the right-hand seat heater. Signal too high. Permanent fault

CCM-0060 Damper motor defroster. Faulty signal

CCM-0060 Damper motor defroster. Internal fault

CCM-0061 Rear demist, heated door mirrors. Signal too high

CEM-1010 Control module memory fault. Internal fault

CEM-1011 (A) Control module memory fault. Internal fault

CEM-1011 (B) Control module memory fault. Internal fault

CEM-1012 (A) Control module memory fault. Internal fault

CEM-1012 (B) Control module memory fault. Internal fault

CEM-1A03 S-Power supply. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

CEM-1A03 S-Power supply. Signal too low. Permanent fault

CEM-1A04 X-Power supply. Signal too low

CEM-1A04 X-Power supply. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

CEM-1A04 X-Power supply. Signal too low. Permanent fault

CEM-1A05 30 Power supply. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

CEM-1A05 30 Power supply. Signal too low. Permanent fault

CEM-1A05 X-Power supply. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

CEM-1A05 X-Power supply. Signal too high. Permanent fault

CEM-1A06 15-Power supply. Signal too low

CEM-1A06 15-Power supply. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

CEM-1A06 15-Power supply. Signal too low. Permanent fault

CEM-1A07 15-Power supply. Signal too high

CEM-1A07 15-Power supply. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

CEM-1A07 15-Power supply. Signal too high. Permanent fault

CEM-1A08 50-Power supply. No signal. Intermittent fault

CEM-1A08 50-Power supply. No signal. Permanent fault

CEM-1A08 50-Power supply. Signal missing

CEM-1A08 50-Power supply. Signal missing. Intermittent fault

CEM-1A08 50-Power supply. Signal missing. Permanent fault

CEM-1A09 50-Power supply. Signal too high

CEM-1A09 50-Power supply. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

CEM-1A09 50-Power supply. Signal too high. Permanent fault

CEM-1A21 Engine control module (ECM). Signal too low

CEM-1A21 Increased power supply relay. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

CEM-1A21 Increased power supply relay. Signal too high. Permanent fault

CEM-1A22 Engine control module (ECM). Signal too high

CEM-1A23 Increased power supply relay. No signal. Intermittent fault

CEM-1A23 Increased power supply relay. No signal. Permanent fault

CEM-1A24 Relay Ext X2-Power supply. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

CEM-1A24 Relay Ext X2-Power supply. Signal too high. Permanent fault

CEM-1A25 Relay Ext X2-Power supply. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

CEM-1A25 Relay Ext X2-Power supply. Signal too low. Permanent fault

CEM-1A26 Relay, 15i power supply. Signal too high

CEM-1A27 Relay, 15i power supply. Signal too low

CEM-1A40 50-power supply. Activated too long

CEM-1A41 (A) Ignition switch. Faulty signal

CEM-1A41 (B) Real time clock. Faulty signal

CEM-1A41 Real time clock. Faulty signal

CEM-1A41 Real time clock. Internal fault. Intermittent fault

CEM-1A41 Real time clock. Internal fault. Permanent fault

CEM-1A42 Real time clock. Faulty signal

CEM-1A42 Real time clock. Internal fault. Intermittent fault

CEM-1A42 Real time clock. Internal fault. Permanent fault

CEM-1A51 Communication with the supplemental restraint system module (SRS). Signal missing

CEM-1A52 Communication with the driver door module (DDM). Signal missing

CEM-1A53 Communication with the passenger door module (PDM). Signal missing

CEM-1A54 Communication with the power seat module (PSM). Signal missing

CEM-1A55 Communication with the climate control module (CCM). Signal missing

CEM-1A56 Communication with the driver information module (DIM). Signal missing

CEM-1A57 Communication with the RTI module. Signal missing

CEM-1A58 Communication with the carphone module (PHM). Signal missing

CEM-1A58 Communication with the phone module (PHM). Signal missing

CEM-1A59 Communication with the audio module (AUM). Signal missing

CEM-1A5A Communication with the rear electronic module (REM). Signal missing

CEM-1A5B Communication with the steering wheel module (SWM). Signal missing

CEM-1A5C Communication with the upper electronic module (UEM). Signal missing

CEM-1A5D Communication with the electronic throttle module (ETM). Signal missing

CEM-1A5E Communication with the steering wheel angle sensor module (SAS). Signal missing

CEM-1A5F Communication with ABS control unit. No signal. Intermittent fault

CEM-1A5F Communication with ABS control unit. No signal. Permanent fault

CEM-1A5F Communication with the ABS control module. Signal missing. Intermittent fault

CEM-1A5F Communication with the ABS control module. Signal missing. Permanent fault

CEM-1A5F Communication with the brake control module (BCM). Signal missing

CEM-1A5F Communication with the brake control module. Signal missing

CEM-1A61 Communication with the transmission control module (TCM). Signal missing

CEM-1A62 Communication with the engine control module (ECM). Signal missing

CEM-1A63 Communication with the accessory electronic module (AEM). Signal missing

CEM-1A63 Communication with the accessory electronic module. Signal missing

CEM-1A64 Communication with the differential electronic module (DEM). Signal missing

CEM-1A65 Communication with the suspension module (SUM). Signal missing

CEM-1A66 Communication with the infotainment control module (ICM). Signal missing

CEM-1C01 L signal. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

CEM-1C01 L signal. Signal too high. Permanent fault

CEM-1C02 L signal. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

CEM-1C02 L signal. Signal too low. Permanent fault

CEM-1C04 30 Power supply. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

CEM-1C04 30 Power supply. Signal too high. Permanent fault

CEM-1C04 30-power supply. Signal too high

CEM-1C05 30-Power supply. Signal too low

CEM-1C06 Alternator control module (ACM). Electrical fault

CEM-1C07 Alternator control module (ACM). Over heated

CEM-1C08 Alternator control module (ACM). Mechanical fault

CEM-1C0A Alternator control module (ACM). Voltage too high

CEM-1C21 Relay, infotainment. Signal too high

CEM-1C22 Relay, infotainment. Signal too low or signal missing

CEM-1D01 Control module memory fault. Internal fault

CEM-1D01 Control module. Internal fault

CEM-1D01 Control module. Internal fault. Intermittent fault

CEM-1D01 Control module. Internal fault. Permanent fault

CEM-1D02 Control module, software. Internal fault. Intermittent fault

CEM-1D02 Control module, software. Internal fault. Permanent fault

CEM-1D02 Control module. Internal fault

CEM-1D03 Control module not fully programmed. Internal fault

CEM-1D03 Control module not fully programmed. Internal fault. Intermittent fault

CPM-0018 Glow plugs. Signal too high

CPM-0102 Glow plugs. Signal too low

CPM-0204 Glow plugs. Signal missing

CPM-0318 Fuel pump. Signal too high

CPM-0402 Fuel pump. Signal too low

CPM-0504 Fuel pump. Signal missing

CPM-1001 Combustion fan. Signal too high

CPM-1128 Combustion fan. Signal too low

CPM-1204 Combustion fan. Signal missing

CPM-1308 Combustion fan. Faulty function

CPM-1418 Water pump. Signal too high

CPM-1502 Water pump. Signal too low

CPM-1604 Water pump. Signal missing

CPM-2308 Control module. Internal fault

CPM-3002 Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor. Signal too low

CPM-3141 Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor. Signal too high / Signal missing

CPM-3202 Overheat protection thermostat. Signal too low

CPM-3341 Overheat protection thermostat. Signal too high / Signal missing

CPM-3402 Flame sensor. Signal too low

CPM-3541 Flame sensor. Signal too high / Signal missing

CPM-3601 Control module. Supply voltage too high

CPM-3702 Control module. Supply voltage too low

CPM-4001 Engine coolant heater. Activated too long

CPM-4101 Engine coolant heater. Too many unsuccessful attempts

CPM-4208 Engine coolant heater. Extinguished flame

CPM-4308 Engine coolant heater. Extinguished flame

CPM-4501 Combustion fan. Activated too long

CPM-5001 Control module. Over heated

CPM-5101 Control module. Over heated

CPM-5201 Control module. Over heated

CPM-5301 Control module. Over heated

CPM-5401 Control module. Internal fault

CPM-5601 Control module. Internal fault

CPM-5701 Control module. Collision signal received

CPM-6008 Control module. Internal fault

CPM-6108 Control module. Internal fault

CPM-6208 Control module. Internal fault

CPM-6301 Control module. Internal fault

CPM-6408 Control module. Internal fault

CPM-6508 Control module. Internal fault

CPM-8602 Control module. Internal fault

CPM-8704 Control module. Internal fault

CPM-E001 Control module communication. Faulty communication

CPM-E003 Configuration fault. Faulty configuration

CPM-E010 Control module. Supply voltage too low

DDM-0001 Power window lift motor M+ or M-. Signal too high

DDM-0002 Central locking button. Stuck in the active position

DDM-0003 Central locking button, unlocking. Stuck in the active position

DDM-0005 Power window lift motor M+ or M-. Signal missing

DDM-0005 Power window lift motor M+ or M-. Signal too low or signal missing

DDM-0005 Window-lifting motor M+. Signal missing

DDM-0006 Power window up relay. Signal too high

DDM-0007 Power window up relay. Faulty signal

DDM-0009 Window-lifting motor M-. Signal missing

DDM-000A Window lift down relay. Signal too high

DDM-000B Power window down relay. Faulty signal

DDM-000C Power window mechanism. Internal fault

DDM-000D Central locking motor M1 or M3. Signal too high

DDM-000D Central locking motor M1, M2 or M3. Signal too high

DDM-0010 Central locking motor M1. Signal too low

DDM-0010 Central locking motor M1. Signal too low or signal missing

DDM-0010 Control panel. Open-circuit

DDM-0011 Central locking relay RL2_RD2. Signal too high

DDM-0011 Control panel. Open-circuit

DDM-0012 Central locking relay RL2_RD2. Signal too low

DDM-0013 Central locking motor M3. Signal too low

DDM-0013 Central locking motor M3. Signal too low or signal missing

DDM-0013 Control, passenger window. Stuck in the active position

DDM-0014 Central locking relay RL2_RD4. Signal too high

DDM-0014 Control, left rear side window. Stuck in the active position

DDM-0015 Central locking relay RL2_RD4. Signal too low

DDM-0015 Control, right rear side window. Stuck in the active position

DDM-0016 Central locking motor M2. Signal too low

DDM-0016 central locking motor M2. Signal too low or signal missing

DDM-0016 Child-proof lock. Stuck in the active position

DDM-0017 Central locking relay RL3. Signal too high

DDM-0018 Central locking relay RL3. Signal too low

DDM-0018 Control, rear side window. Faulty signal

DDM-0019 Control, rear side window. Stuck in the active position

DDM-0019 Lock, driver's door. Signal too low

DDM-001A Lock, driver's door. Signal too low

DDM-001B Lock, driver's door. Signal too low

DDM-001D Central locking button. Internal fault

DDM-0020 Control, door mirror. Stuck in the active position

DDM-0020 Power window mechanism Hall sensor 1. Faulty signal

DDM-0020 Window lift Hall sensor 1. Signal faulty

DDM-0021 Control, door mirror. Stuck in the active position

DDM-0021 Power window mechanism Hall sensor 2. Faulty signal

DDM-0021 Window lift Hall sensor 2. Signal faulty

DDM-0022 Control, door mirror selector. Stuck in the active position

DDM-0022 Power window mechanism Hall sensor 1 and 2. Faulty signal

DDM-0022 Window lift Hall sensors 1 and 2. Signal faulty

DDM-0023 Control, door mirror selector. Stuck in the active position

DDM-0023 Door mirror motor MX+. Signal too high

DDM-0023 Mirror motor MX+. Signal too high

DDM-0024 Door mirror motor MX+. Signal too low

DDM-0024 Mirror motor MX+. Signal too low

DDM-0025 Door mirror motor. Disconnected

DDM-0026 Door mirror motor MY+. Signal too high

DDM-0026 Mirror motor MY+. Signal too high

DDM-0027 Door mirror motor MY+. Signal too low

DDM-0027 Mirror motor MY+. Signal too low

DDM-0028 Door mirror motor MF+. Signal too high

DDM-0028 Mirror motor MF+. Signal too high

DDM-0029 Door mirror motor MF+. Signal too low

DDM-0029 Mirror motor MF+. Signal too low

DDM-002A Mirror motor MC. Signal too high

DDM-002A Window motor MC. Signal too high

DDM-002B Mirror motor MC. Signal too low

DDM-002B Window motor MC. Signal too low

DDM-002C Door mirror heater. Signal too high

DDM-002C Mirror heater. Signal too high

DDM-002D Door mirror heater. Signal too low

DDM-002D Mirror heater. Signal too low

DDM-002E Door mirror heater. Signal too high

DDM-002E Mirror heater. Signal too high

DDM-002F Door mirror motor. Overheating or current too high

DDM-002F Window motor. Signal too high

DDM-0030 Door mirror potentiometer. Faulty signal

DDM-0030 Door mirror potentiometer. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

DDM-0030 Door mirror potentiometer. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

DDM-0031 Door mirror potentiometer. Signal too low

DDM-0031 Door mirror potentiometer. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

DDM-0031 Door mirror potentiometer. Signal too low. Permanent fault

DDM-0032 Door mirror potentiometer. Faulty signal

DDM-0032 Door mirror potentiometer. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

DDM-0032 Door mirror potentiometer. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

DDM-0033 Door mirror potentiometer. Signal too low

DDM-0033 Door mirror potentiometer. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

DDM-0033 Door mirror potentiometer. Signal too low. Permanent fault

DDM-0034 Driver-side window control. Signal faulty

DDM-0035 Control, passenger window. Faulty signal

DDM-0035 Passenger-side window control. Signal faulty

DDM-0036 Control, left rear side window. Faulty signal

DDM-0037 Control, right rear side window. Faulty signal

DDM-0038 Control, door mirror. Faulty signal Davew

DDM-0039 Child-proof lock. Stuck in the active position

DDM-003C Control, passenger window. Faulty signal

DDM-003C Passenger-side window control. Signal too high

DDM-003D Control, left rear side window. Faulty signal

DDM-003D Rear left side-window control. Signal too high

DDM-003E Control, right rear side window. Faulty signal

DDM-003E Rear right side-window control. Signal too high

DDM-003F Control, door mirror. Signal too high

DDM-003F Rear-view mirror control. Signal too high

DEM-0001 Temperature sensor. Faulty signal

DEM-0002 Pressure sensor. Faulty signal

DEM-0003 System voltage. Faulty voltage

DEM-0005 Control valve. Faulty signal

DEM-0005 Control valve. Internal fault

DEM-0007 Hydraulic pressure. Incorrect value

DEM-0008 Control module calibration fault. Internal fault

DEM-0008 Control module, calibration fault. Internal fault

DEM-0008 Control module. Internal fault

DEM-0009 Control module Analog/Digital converter. Internal fault

DEM-0009 Control module. Internal fault

DEM-000A Power supply. Faulty voltage

DEM-000A Power supply. Incorrect value

DEM-000C Control module. Faulty hardware

DEM-E000 Control module communication. Faulty communication

DEM-E003 Configuration fault. Faulty configuration

DIM-0001 Driving distance. Incorrect value

DIM-0001 Mileage. Manipulated

DIM-0001 Vehicle speed signal. Faulty signal

DIM-0002 ABS warning lamp. Faulty circuit

DIM-0002 ABS-lamp. Faulty circuit

DIM-0002 Fuel level sensor. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

DIM-0002 Fuel level sensor. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

DIM-0003 Fuel level sensor. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

DIM-0003 Fuel level sensor. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

DIM-0003 SRS warning lamp. Faulty circuit

DIM-0003 SRS-lamp. Faulty circuit

DIM-0004 Fuel level sensor. Signal missing. Intermittent fault

DIM-0004 Fuel level sensor. Signal missing. Permanent fault

DIM-0005 Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor signal. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

DIM-0005 Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor signal. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

DIM-0005 Red general warning lamp. Faulty circuit

DIM-0005 Red warning lamp. Faulty circuit

DIM-0006 12-pulse vehicle speed signal. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

DIM-0006 12-pulse vehicle speed signal. Signal too high. Permanent fault

DIM-0006 Information lamp. Faulty circuit

DIM-0006 Orange general warning lamp. Faulty circuit

DIM-0007 12-pulse vehicle speed signal. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

DIM-0007 12-pulse vehicle speed signal. Signal too low. Permanent fault

DIM-0007 Global parameter. Internal fault

DIM-0007 Global parameter. Internal fault.

DIM-0008 Fuel level sensor. Jammed

DIM-0009 Fuel ejector. Internal fault

DIM-000A D+ signal. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

DIM-000A D+ signal. Signal too low. Permanent fault

DIM-000B Outside temperature sensor. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

DIM-000B Outside temperature sensor. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

DIM-000C Control module. Internal fault

DIM-000C Control unit. Internal fault. Intermittent fault

DIM-000C Control unit. Internal fault. Permanent fault

DIM-000D Communication engine control module (ECM). Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

DIM-000D Communication engine control module (ECM). Faulty signal. Permanent fault

DIM-000E Control module. Internal fault. Intermittent fault

DIM-000E Control module. Internal fault. Permanent fault

DIM-DF13 CAN bus H-signal. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

DIM-DF13 CAN bus H-signal. Signal too high. Permanent fault

DIM-DF14 CAN bus L signal. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

DIM-DF14 CAN bus L signal. Signal too low. Permanent fault

DIM-DF15 CAN bus H signal. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

DIM-DF15 CAN bus H signal. Signal too low. Permanent fault

DIM-DF16 CAN bus L signal. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

DIM-DF16 CAN bus L signal. Signal too high. Permanent fault

DIM-E000 Communication control module. Internal fault

DIM-E001 Control module communication. Faulty communication

DIM-E003 Configuration fault. Faulty configuration

DIM-E003 Software fault. Faulty communication

ECM-0000 Engine speed (RPM) sensor. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

ECM-0000 Impulse sensor. Faulty signal, Intermittent fault.

ECM-0000 Impulse sensor. Signal too high, overspeeding.

ECM-0000 Impulse sensor: Signal faulty. Permanent fault.

ECM-0001 Secondary engine speed. Signal too high, over-revving

ECM-0001 Secondary speed. Signal faulty.

ECM-0001 Secondary speed. Signal too high, overspeeding.

ECM-0002 Fuel volume control valve. Faulty signal

ECM-0002 System relay output signal. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

ECM-0002 System relay output signal. Signal too low. Permanent fault

ECM-0003 Fuel volume control valve. Signal too low

ECM-0003 Needle lift sensor. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

ECM-0003 Needle lift sensor. Signal too high. Intermittent fault.

ECM-0003 Needle lift sensor. Signal too high. Permanent fault

ECM-0003 Needle lift sensor. Signal too high. Permanent fault.

ECM-0003 Needle lift sensor. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

ECM-0003 Needle lift sensor. Signal too low. Intermittent fault.

ECM-0003 Needle lift sensor. Signal too low. Permanent fault

ECM-0003 Needle lift sensor. Signal too low. Permanent fault.

ECM-0004 Accelerator pedal (AP) position sensor analogue signal. Power supply too high. Intermittent fault

ECM-0004 Accelerator pedal (AP) position sensor analogue signal. Power supply too high. Permanent fault

ECM-0004 Accelerator pedal (AP) position sensor analogue signal. Power supply too low. Intermittent fault

ECM-0004 Accelerator pedal (AP) position sensor analogue signal. Power supply too low. Permanent fault

ECM-0004 Accelerator pedal (AP) position sensor analogue signal. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

ECM-0004 Accelerator pedal (AP) position sensor analogue signal. Signal too high. Permanent fault

ECM-0004 Accelerator pedal (AP) position sensor analogue signal. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

ECM-0004 Accelerator pedal (AP) position sensor analogue signal. Signal too low. Permanent fault

ECM-0004 Accelerator pedal position sensor analogue signal. Power supply too high. Intermittent fault.

ECM-0004 Accelerator pedal position sensor analogue signal. Power supply too high. Permanent fault.

ECM-0004 Accelerator pedal position sensor analogue signal. Power supply too low. Intermittent fault.

ECM-0004 Accelerator pedal position sensor analogue signal. Power supply too low. Permanent fault.

ECM-0004 Accelerator pedal position sensor analogue signal. Signal too high. Intermittent fault.

ECM-0004 Accelerator pedal position sensor analogue signal. Signal too high. Permanent fault.

ECM-0004 Accelerator pedal position sensor analogue signal. Signal too low. Intermittent fault.

ECM-0004 Accelerator pedal position sensor analogue signal. Signal too low. Permanent fault.

ECM-0004 Fuel volume control valve. Signal too high

ECM-0005 Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

ECM-0005 Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

ECM-0005 Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

ECM-0005 Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor. Signal too high. Permanent fault

ECM-0005 Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

ECM-0005 Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor. Signal too low. Permanent fault

ECM-0005 Engine temperature sensor. Signal faulty. Permanent fault.

ECM-0005 Engine temperature sensor. Signal too high. Intermittent fault.

ECM-0005 Engine temperature sensor. Signal too high. Permanent fault.

ECM-0006 Air temperature sensor. Signal too high. Intermittent fault.

ECM-0006 Air temperature sensor. Signal too high. Permanent fault.

ECM-0006 Air temperature sensor. Signal too low. Intermittent fault.

ECM-0006 Air temperature sensor. Signal too low. Permanent fault.

ECM-0008 Fuel temperature sensor. Signal too high. Intermittent fault.

ECM-0008 Fuel temperature sensor. Signal too high. Permanent fault.

ECM-0008 Fuel temperature sensor. Signal too low. Intermittent fault.

ECM-0008 Fuel temperature sensor. Signal too low. Permanent fault.

ECM-0009 Boost pressure sensor. Power supply too high. Permanent fault

ECM-0009 Boost pressure sensor. Power supply too low. Permanent fault

ECM-0009 Boost pressure sensor. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

ECM-0009 Boost pressure sensor. Signal too low. Permanent fault

ECM-0009 Charging pressure sensor. Power supply too high. Intermittent fault.

ECM-0009 Charging pressure sensor. Power supply too high. Permanent fault.

ECM-0009 Charging pressure sensor. Power supply too low. Intermittent fault.

ECM-0009 Charging pressure sensor. Power supply too low. Permanent fault.

ECM-0009 Charging pressure sensor. Signal faulty.

ECM-0009 Charging pressure sensor. Signal too high. Intermittent fault.

ECM-0009 Charging pressure sensor. Signal too high. Permanent fault.

ECM-0009 Charging pressure sensor. Signal too low. Intermittent fault.

ECM-0009 Charging pressure sensor. Signal too low. Permanent fault.

ECM-000A Atmospheric pressure signal of control unit. Internal fault. Intermittent fault.

ECM-000A Atmospheric pressure signal of control unit. Internal fault. Permanent fault.

ECM-000B Mass air flow (MAF) sensor. Power supply too high. Permanent fault

ECM-000B Mass air flow (MAF) sensor. Power supply too low. Permanent fault

ECM-000B Mass air flow (MAF) sensor. Signal too high. Permanent fault

ECM-000B Mass air flow (MAF) sensor. Signal too low. Permanent fault

ECM-000B Mass air flow sensor. Power supply too high. Intermittent fault.

ECM-000B Mass air flow sensor. Power supply too high. Permanent fault.

ECM-000B Mass air flow sensor. Power supply too low. Intermittent fault.

ECM-000B Mass air flow sensor. Power supply too low. Permanent fault.

ECM-000B Mass air flow sensor. Signal faulty. Intermittent fault.

ECM-000B Mass air flow sensor. Signal faulty. Permanent fault.

ECM-000B Mass air flow sensor. Signal too high. Intermittent fault.

ECM-000B Mass air flow sensor. Signal too high. Permanent fault.

ECM-000B Mass air flow sensor. Signal too low. Intermittent fault.

ECM-000B Mass air flow sensor. Signal too low. Permanent fault.

ECM-000D Reference voltage of control unit. Internal fault. Intermittent fault.

ECM-000D Reference voltage of control unit. Internal fault. Permanent fault.

ECM-000F Microprocessor of control unit. Internal fault. Intermittent fault.

ECM-000F Microprocessor of control unit. Internal fault. Permanent fault.

ECM-0011 Injection timing control. Injection too early

ECM-0011 Injection timing control. Injection too late

ECM-0012 A/C linear pressure sensor. Power supply too high. Intermittent fault.

ECM-0012 A/C linear pressure sensor. Power supply too high. Permanent fault.

ECM-0012 A/C linear pressure sensor. Power supply too low. Intermittent fault.

ECM-0012 A/C linear pressure sensor. Power supply too low. Permanent fault.

ECM-0012 A/C linear pressure sensor. Signal faulty. Intermittent fault.

ECM-0012 A/C linear pressure sensor. Signal faulty. Permanent fault.

ECM-0012 A/C linear pressure sensor. Signal too high. Intermittent fault.

ECM-0012 A/C linear pressure sensor. Signal too high. Permanent fault.

ECM-0012 A/C linear pressure sensor. Signal too low. Intermittent fault.

ECM-0012 A/C linear pressure sensor. Signal too low. Permanent fault.

ECM-0012 Air conditioning (A/C) linear pressure sensor. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

ECM-0012 Air conditioning (A/C) linear pressure sensor. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

EFI-0011 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S). Faulty signal

EFI-0011 Lambda probe. Signal faulty

EFI-0012 Volume air flow (VAF) sensor

EFI-0012 Volume air flow (VAF) sensor. Faulty signal

EFI-0013 Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor

EFI-0013 Intake air temperature (IAT) sensor. Faulty signal

EFI-0014 Throttle position (TP) sensor

EFI-0014 Throttle position (TP) sensor. Faulty signal

EFI-0014 Throttle position sensor. Signal faulty

EFI-0021 Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor

EFI-0021 Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor. Faulty signal

EFI-0021 Engine temperature sensor. Signal faulty

EFI-0022 Engine speed (RPM) sensor

EFI-0022 Impulse sensor. Signal missing

EFI-0025 Atmospheric pressure sensor

EFI-0025 Atmospheric pressure sensor. Faulty signal

EFI-0025 Atmospheric pressure sensor. Signal faulty

EFI-0036 Ignition adjustment signal. Faulty signal

EFI-0036 Ignition adjustment signal. Signal faulty

EFI-0041 Injection valve. Signal faulty

EFI-0041 Injector; Faulty signal

EFI-0044 Ignition coil

EFI-0044 Ignition coil. Faulty signal

EFI-0044 Ignition coil. Signal faulty

EFI-0056 Fuel pressure sensor (high pressure)

EFI-0056 Fuel pressure sensor (high pressure). Faulty signal

EFI-0056 Fuel pressure sensor (high pressure). Signal faulty

EFI-0058 Abnormal intake air. Faulty signal

EFI-0058 Intake air abnormal. Signal faulty

EFI-0066 Brake vacuum sensor

EFI-0066 Brake vacuum sensor. Faulty signal

EFI-0066 Brake vacuum sensor. Signal faulty

EFI-0089 Fuel system. Faulty fuel pressure

EFI-4008 Canister purge (CP) valve leakage. Intermittent fault

EFI-4008 Canister purge (CP) valve leakage. Permanent fault

EPS-0020 Pump motor. Signal too high

EPS-0021 Pump motor. Faulty signal

EPS-0022 Control module, internal fault

EPS-0030 Temperature sensor. Signal missing

EPS-0040 High temperature. Signal too high

EPS-0041 High temperature. Signal too high

EPS-0050 Memory fault in ROM. Internal fault

EPS-0051 Memory fault in ROM. Internal fault

EPS-0053 Memory fault in ROM. Internal fault

EPS-0060 Control module. Internal fault

EPS-0070 Power supply. Signal too high

EPS-0071 Power supply. Signal too low

EPS-0080 Steering wheel angle sensor. Faulty signal

EPS-0081 Speed. Faulty signal

EPS-0082 Engine status. Faulty signal

EPS-0083 Battery voltage. Faulty signal

EPS-E000 CAN communication. Faulty communication

EPS-E003 Configuration fault. Faulty configuration

GDM-0001 Speed signal. Faulty signal

GDM-0002 Headlamp range adjustment signal. Faulty signal

GDM-0003 Angle sensor. Faulty signal

GDM-0005 Control module. Signal too high

GDM-0006 Control module. Not calibrated

GDM-0007 Control module. Programming error

GDM-0008 Control module. Internal fault

GPS-0001 GPS antenna. Signal missing

GPS-0002 GPS antenna. Signal too high

GPS-0003 Control module. Internal fault

IAM-1001 AM/FM antenna. No signal

IAM-1002 AM/FM antenna. Faulty signal

IAM-2001 Control module. Internal fault

IAM-2002 Control module. Internal fault

IAM-2003 Control module. Internal fault

IAM-2004 Control module. Internal fault

IAM-2005 Control module. Internal fault

IAM-3001 Front left speaker. Signal too low

IAM-3002 Front left speaker. Signal too high

IAM-3003 Front left speaker. Faulty signal

IAM-3004 Front left speaker. No signal

IAM-3005 Front left speaker. Faulty signal

IAM-3011 Front right speaker. Signal too low

IAM-3012 Front right speaker. Signal too high

IAM-3013 Front right speaker. Faulty signal

IAM-3014 Front right speaker. No signal

IAM-3015 Front right speaker. Faulty signal

IAM-3021 Rear left speaker. Signal too low

IAM-3022 Rear left speaker. Signal too high

IAM-3023 Rear left speaker. Faulty signal

IAM-3024 Rear left speaker. No signal

IAM-3025 Rear left speaker. Faulty signal

IAM-3031 Rear right speaker. Signal too low

IAM-3032 Rear right speaker. Signal too high

IAM-3033 Rear right speaker. Faulty signal

IAM-3034 Rear right speaker. No signal

IAM-3035 Rear right speaker. Faulty signal

IAM-9001 Control module. Configuration fault

IAM-9002 Control module. Overheated

ICM-1A02 Control module. Faulty voltage

ICM-1A03 Control module. Faulty voltage

ICM-1A05 Control module. Faulty voltage

ICM-1A51 Communication with the audio module (AUD). Signal missing

ICM-1A52 Communication with the AM/FM tuner module (AFM). Signal missing

ICM-1A52 Communication with the antenna module (ATM). Signal missing

ICM-1A53 Communication with the multimedia module (MMM). Signal missing

ICM-1A54 Communication with the Subwoofer module (SUB). Signal missing

ICM-1A55 Communication with the MD module (MP1). Signal missing

ICM-1A55 Communication with the media player module (MPM). Signal missing

ICM-1A56 Communication with the CD module (MP2). Signal missing

ICM-1A57 Communication with the phone module (PHM). Signal missing

ICM-1A58 Communication with the global positioning system module (GPS). Signal missing

ICM-1A59 Communication with the traffic message channel module (TMC). Signal missing

ICM-1A5A Control module. No signal

ICM-1D01 Control module. Internal fault

ICM-1D03 Control module, not fully programmed. Internal fault

ICM-1D07 Control module. Internal fault

ICM-1D08 Control module. Internal fault

ICM-1D09 Control module. Internal fault

ICM-1F20 Left keypad. Activated too long

ICM-1F21 Left-hand keypad circuit 1. Signal too high / too low

ICM-1F22 Left-hand keypad circuit 2. Signal too high / too low

ICM-1F23 Left-hand keypad circuit 3. Signal too high / too low

ICM-1F24 Left-hand keypad circuit 4. Signal too high / too low

ICM-1F25 Right-hand keypad circuit 5. Signal too high / too low

ICM-1F26 Right keypad. Activated too long

ICM-1F27 Right-hand keypad circuit 1. Signal too high / too low

ICM-1F28 Right-hand keypad circuit 2. Signal too high / too low

ICM-1F29 POWER button. Signal too high / low

ICM-1F30 POWER button. Activated too long

ICM-1F31 SOUND button. Activated too long

ICM-1F32 VOLUME knob. Signal missing

ICM-1F33 SELECTOR knob. Signal missing

ICM-1F34 VOLUME knob. Faulty signal

ICM-1F35 SELECTOR knob. Faulty signal

ICM-1F36 Heating, display. Signal missing

ICM-1F37 Display. Signal missing

ICM-1F38 Temperature sensor. Faulty signal

ICM-1F40 Receiver remote control. Short-circuit to ground

ICM-6C70 AM/FM tuner module (AFM) not approved. Faulty signal

ICM-6C70 Antenna Module (ATM) not approved. Faulty signal

ICM-6C71 Audio module (AUD) not approved. Faulty signal

ICM-6C72 Multimedia module (MMM) not approved. Faulty signal

ICM-6C73 Subwoofer module (SUB) not approved. Faulty signal

ICM-6C74 MD module (MP1) not approved. Faulty signal

ICM-6C74 Media player module (MPM) not approved. Faulty signal

ICM-6C75 CD module (MP2) not approved. Faulty signal

ICM-6C76 Phone module (PHM) not approved. Faulty signal

ICM-6C77 Global positioning system module (GPS) not approved. Faulty signal

ICM-6C78 Traffic message channel module (TMC) not approved. Faulty signal

ICM-6C79 Infotainment control module (ICM) not approved. Faulty signal

ICM-6C79 Infotainment control module (ICM) not valid. Faulty signal

ICM-6C7A Control module. Faulty signal

ICM-9F01 Display. Signal missing

ICM-DC00 Control module communication. Internal fault

ICM-DC01 Communication module. Faulty signal

ICM-DC01 Control module communication. Faulty signal

ICM-DC02 Communication module. No communication

ICM-DC02 Control module communication. No communication

ICM-DC02 Control module communication. Signal missing

ICM-E001 Control module communication. Faulty communication

ICM-E001 Control module communication. Internal fault

ICM-E003 Configuration fault. Faulty configuration

ICM-E003 Configuration fault. Software fault

ICM-E010 Power supply. Signal too low

KVM-0001 Receiver. No communication

KVM-0002 Receiver. No communication

KVM-0003 Receiver. No communication

KVM-0010 Inner antenna. Signal too low

KVM-0011 Inner antenna. Signal too high

KVM-0012 Inner antenna. Signal missing

KVM-0013 Outer antenna left. Signal too low

KVM-0014 Outer antenna left-hand. Signal too high

KVM-0015 Outer antenna left-hand. Signal missing

KVM-0016 Outer antenna left-hand. Faulty signal

KVM-0017 Outer antenna right-hand. Signal too low

KVM-0018 Outer antenna right-hand. Signal too high

KVM-0019 Outer antenna right-hand. Signal missing

KVM-001A Outer antenna right-hand. Faulty signal

KVM-001B Outer antenna rear. Signal too low

KVM-001C Outer antenna rear. Signal too high

KVM-001D Outer antenna rear. Signal missing

KVM-001E Outer antenna rear. Faulty signal

KVM-0020 Switch unlocking left front. Signal missing

KVM-0021 Switch unlocking right front. Signal missing

KVM-0022 Switch unlocking left rear. Signal missing

KVM-0023 Switch unlocking right rear. Signal missing

KVM-0030 Outer lock button left front. Activated too long

KVM-0031 Outer lock button right front. Activated too long

KVM-0032 Outer lock button left rear. Activated too long

KVM-0033 Outer lock button right rear. Activated too long

KVM-0040 Switch unlocking left front. Activated too long

KVM-0041 Switch unlocking right front. Activated too long

KVM-0042 Switch unlocking left rear. Activated too long

KVM-0043 Switch unlocking right rear. Activated too long

KVM-0050 Switch quick lock left front. Activated too long

KVM-0051 Switch quick lock right front. Activated too long

KVM-0052 Switch quick lock left rear. Activated too long

KVM-0053 Switch quick lock right rear. Activated too long

KVM-0060 Switch unlocking tailgate. Activated too long

KVM-0080 Control module. Internal memory fault

KVM-0081 Control module. Internal memory fault

KVM-E001 Control module

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Invité §lpa243XF

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KVM-E001 Control module communication. Faulty communication

KVM-E003 Incorrect configuration. Faulty configuration

KVM-E010 Power supply. Signal too low

LPG-0107 Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor. Signal too low

LPG-0108 Manifold absolute pressure (MAP) sensor. Signal too high

LPG-0117 Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor signal. Signal too low

LPG-0118 Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor signal. Signal too high

LPG-0122 Throttle position (TP) sensor. Signal too low

LPG-0123 Throttle position (TP) sensor. Signal too high

LPG-0134 Heated oxygen sensor (HO2S). Faulty signal

LPG-0171 Fuel / air mixture. Lean

LPG-0172 Fuel / air mixture. Rich

LPG-0215 Fuel shut-off valve. Faulty signal

LPG-0563 Battery voltage. Signal too high

LPG-0600 Engine control module (ECM) communication. Faulty signal

LPG-0601 Control module. Internal fault

LPG-0727 Engine speed (RPM) signal. Signal missing

MMM-1000 Control module. Internal fault

MMM-2000 Control module. Internal fault

MMM-2100 Control module. Internal fault

MMM-2100 Control module. Signal missing

MPM-0002 Control module. Internal fault

MPM-0003 Control module. Internal fault

MPM-0004 Control module. Internal fault

MPM-0005 Control module. Internal fault

MPM-0006 Control module. Internal fault

PAM-0001 Control module. Internal fault

PAM-0002 Parking sensor 1. Signal too high

PAM-0003 Parking sensor 1. Signal too low/Signal missing

PAM-0004 Parking sensor 2. Signal too high

PAM-0005 Parking sensor 2. Signal too low/Signal missing

PAM-0006 Parking sensor 3. Signal too high

PAM-0007 Parking sensor 3. Signal too low/Signal missing

PAM-0008 Parking sensor 4. Signal too high

PAM-0009 Parking sensor 4. Signal too low/Signal missing

PAM-0010 Parking sensor 5. Signal too high

PAM-0011 Parking sensor 5. Signal too low/Signal missing

PAM-0012 Parking sensor 6. Signal too high

PAM-0013 Parking sensor 6. Signal too low/Signal missing

PAM-0014 Parking sensor 7. Signal too high

PAM-0015 Parking sensor 7. Signal too low/Signal missing

PAM-0016 Parking sensor 8. Signal too high

PAM-0017 Parking sensor 8. Signal too low/Signal missing

PAM-0018 Configuration fault

PAM-E001 Control module communication. Faulty communication

PAM-E003 Configuration fault. Faulty configuration

PAM-E010 Power supply. Voltage difference too great

PDM-0001 Power window lift motor M+ or M-. Signal too high

PDM-0002 Central locking button. Stuck in the active position

PDM-0003 Central locking button, unlocking. Stuck in the active position

PDM-0005 Power window lift motor M+ or M-. Signal missing

PDM-0005 Power window lift motor M+ or M-. Signal too low or signal missing

PDM-0005 Window-lifting motor M+. Signal missing

PDM-0006 Power window up relay. Signal too high

PDM-0007 Power window up relay. Faulty signal

PDM-0009 Window-lifting motor M-. Signal missing

PDM-000A Window lift down relay. Signal too high

PDM-000B Power window down relay. Faulty signal

PDM-000C Power window mechanism. Internal fault

PDM-000D Central locking motor M1 or M3. Signal too high

PDM-000D Central locking motor M1, M2 or M3. Signal too high

PDM-0010 Central locking motor M1. Signal too low

PDM-0010 Central locking motor M1. Signal too low or signal missing

PDM-0010 Control panel. Open-circuit

PDM-0011 Central locking relay RL2_RD2. Signal too high

PDM-0011 Control panel. Open-circuit

PDM-0012 Central locking relay RL2_RD2. Signal too low

PDM-0012 Control, passenger window. Stuck in the active position

PDM-0013 Central locking motor M3. Signal too low

PDM-0013 Central locking motor M3. Signal too low or signal missing

PDM-0014 Central locking relay RL2_RD4. Signal too high

PDM-0015 Central locking relay RL2_RD4. Signal too low

PDM-0016 Central locking motor M2. Signal too low

PDM-0016 central locking motor M2. Signal too low or signal missing

PDM-0017 Central locking relay RL3. Signal too high

PDM-0017 Control, passenger window. Faulty signal

PDM-0018 Central locking relay RL3. Signal too low

PDM-0018 Control, rear side window. Faulty signal

PDM-0019 Control, rear side window. Stuck in the active position

PDM-0019 Lock, driver's door. Signal too low

PDM-001A Lock, driver's door. Signal too low

PDM-001B Lock, driver's door. Signal too low

PDM-001D Central locking button. Faulty signal

PDM-0020 Power window mechanism Hall sensor 1. Faulty signal

PDM-0020 Window lift Hall sensor 1. Signal faulty

PDM-0021 Power window mechanism Hall sensor 2. Faulty signal

PDM-0021 Window lift Hall sensor 2. Signal faulty

PDM-0022 Power window mechanism Hall sensor 1 and 2. Faulty signal

PDM-0022 Window lift Hall sensors 1 and 2. Signal faulty

PDM-0023 Door mirror motor MX+. Signal too high

PDM-0023 Mirror motor MX+. Signal too high

PDM-0024 Door mirror motor MX+. Signal too low

PDM-0024 Mirror motor MX+. Signal too low

PDM-0025 Door mirror motor. Disconnected

PDM-0026 Door mirror motor MY+. Signal too high

PDM-0026 Mirror motor MY+. Signal too high

PDM-0027 Door mirror motor MY+. Signal too low

PDM-0027 Mirror motor MY+. Signal too low

PDM-0028 Door mirror motor MF+. Signal too high

PDM-0028 Mirror motor MF+. Signal too high

PDM-0029 Door mirror motor MF+. Signal too low

PDM-0029 Mirror motor MF+. Signal too low

PDM-002A Mirror motor MC. Signal too high

PDM-002A Window motor MC. Signal too high

PDM-002B Mirror motor MC. Signal too low

PDM-002B Window motor MC. Signal too low

PDM-002C Door mirror heater. Signal too high

PDM-002C Mirror heater. Signal too high

PDM-002D Door mirror heater. Signal too low

PDM-002D Mirror heater. Signal too low

PDM-002E Door mirror heater. Signal too high

PDM-002E Mirror heater. Signal too high

PDM-002F Door mirror motor. Overheating or current too high

PDM-002F Window motor. Signal too high

PDM-0030 Door mirror potentiometer. Faulty signal

PDM-0030 Door mirror potentiometer. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

PDM-0030 Door mirror potentiometer. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

PDM-0031 Door mirror potentiometer. Signal too low

PDM-0031 Door mirror potentiometer. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

PDM-0031 Door mirror potentiometer. Signal too low. Permanent fault

PDM-0032 Door mirror potentiometer. Faulty signal

PDM-0032 Door mirror potentiometer. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

PDM-0032 Door mirror potentiometer. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

PDM-0033 Door mirror potentiometer. Signal too low

PDM-0033 Door mirror potentiometer. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

PDM-0033 Door mirror potentiometer. Signal too low. Permanent fault

PDM-0034 Control, passenger window. Faulty signal

PDM-0034 Passenger window control. Signal faulty

PDM-0035 Control, passenger window. Faulty signal

PDM-0035 Passenger window control. Signal faulty

PDM-0036 Door warning lamp. Signal too high

PDM-0037 Door warning lamp. Signal too low

PDM-0039 Door mirror lamp. Signal too high

PDM-003A Door mirror lamp. Signal too low

PDM-003A Door mirror lamp. Signal too low or signal missing

PDM-003C Power supply. Signal too low

PDM-003E Control module. Signal too high

PDM-0040 Outside temperature sensor. Signal too high

PDM-0041 Outside temperature sensor. Signal missing

PDM-0042 Control module. Internal fault

PDM-0043 Control module. Internal fault

PDM-1000 Control module. Internal fault

PDM-6C02 Central locking motor M1. Stuck in the active position

PDM-6C03 Central locking motor M1. Stuck in the inactive position

PDM-6C05 Central locking motor M2. Stuck in the active position

PDM-6C06 Central locking motor M2. Stuck in the inactive position

PDM-6C08 Central locking motor M3. Stuck in the active position

PHM-0001 Power supply. Faulty signal

PHM-0001 Power supply. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

PHM-0001 Power supply. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

PHM-0001 Power supply. Faulty signal. Permanent fault (EU/OS)

PHM-0001 Power supply. Faulty signal. Permanent fault (USA/CDN)

PHM-0001 Supply voltage

PHM-0002 Hands-free speakers. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

PHM-0002 Hands-free speakers. Signal too low. Permanent fault

PHM-0003 Communication with control module. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

PHM-0003 Communication with control module. Signal too high. Permanent fault

PHM-0004 Communication with control module. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

PHM-0004 Communication with control module. Signal too low. Permanent fault

PHM-0004 Hands-free loudspeaker. Signal too low. Intermittent fault (EU/OS)

PHM-0004 Hands-free loudspeaker. Signal too low. Intermittent fault (USA/CDN)

PHM-0004 Hands-free loudspeaker. Signal too low. Permanent fault (EU/OS)

PHM-0004 Hands-free loudspeaker. Signal too low. Permanent fault (USA/CDN)

PHM-0005 Communication with control module. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

PHM-0005 Communication with control module. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

PHM-0006 Carphone microphone. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

PHM-0006 Carphone microphone. Signal too low. Permanent fault

PHM-0006 Hands-free loudspeaker. Signal too high. Intermittent fault (EU/OS)

PHM-0006 Hands-free loudspeaker. Signal too high. Intermittent fault (USA/CDN)

PHM-0006 Hands-free loudspeaker. Signal too high. Permanent fault (EU/OS)

PHM-0006 Hands-free loudspeaker. Signal too high. Permanent fault (USA/CDN)

PHM-0008 Communication with carphone box. Internal fault. Intermittent fault

PHM-0008 Communication with carphone box. Internal fault. Permanent fault

PHM-0008 Hands-free microphone. Signal missing. Intermittent fault (EU/OS)

PHM-0008 Hands-free microphone. Signal missing. Intermittent fault (USA/CDN)

PHM-0008 Hands-free microphone. Signal missing. Permanent fault (EU/OS)

PHM-0008 Hands-free microphone. Signal missing. Permanent fault (USA/CDN)

PHM-0008 Reserve microphone. Signal too high / Signal missing

PHM-0009 Hands-free microphone. Signal too high. Intermittent fault (EU/OS)

PHM-0009 Hands-free microphone. Signal too high. Intermittent fault (USA/CDN)

PHM-0009 Hands-free microphone. Signal too high. Permanent fault (EU/OS)

PHM-0009 Hands-free microphone. Signal too high. Permanent fault (USA/CDN)

PHM-000A Hands-free microphone. Signal too low. Intermittent fault (EU/OS)

PHM-000A Hands-free microphone. Signal too low. Intermittent fault (USA/CDN)

PHM-000A Hands-free microphone. Signal too low. Permanent fault (EU/OS)

PHM-000A Hands-free microphone. Signal too low. Permanent fault (USA/CDN)

PHM-000A Reserve microphone. Signal too low

PHM-000B Handset cradle. Signal too high / Signal missing

PHM-000B Handset cradle. Signal too high or signal missing

PHM-000B Handset cradle. Signal too high. Intermittent fault (EU/OS)

PHM-000B Handset cradle. Signal too high. Intermittent fault (USA/CDN)

PHM-000B Handset cradle. Signal too high. Permanent fault (EU/OS)

PHM-000B Handset cradle. Signal too high. Permanent fault (USA/CDN)

PHM-000B Handset microphone. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

PHM-000B Handset microphone. Signal too low. Permanent fault

PHM-000B Telephone handset cradle. Signal too high / signal missing

PHM-000C Handset cradle. Signal missing. Intermittent fault (EU/OS)

PHM-000C Handset cradle. Signal missing. Intermittent fault (USA/CDN)

PHM-000C Handset cradle. Signal missing. Permanent fault (EU/OS)

PHM-000C Handset cradle. Signal missing. Permanent fault (USA/CDN)

PHM-000C Handset loudspeaker. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

PHM-000C Handset loudspeaker. Signal too low. Permanent fault

PHM-000D Handset loudspeaker. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

PHM-000D Handset loudspeaker. Signal too low. Permanent fault

PHM-000D Handset microphone. Signal too low

PHM-000D Handset microphone. Signal too low. Intermittent fault (EU/OS)

PHM-000D Handset microphone. Signal too low. Intermittent fault (USA/CDN)

PHM-000D Handset microphone. Signal too low. Permanent fault (EU/OS)

PHM-000D Handset microphone. Signal too low. Permanent fault (USA/CDN)

PHM-000D Telephone handset microphone. Signal too low

PHM-000E Carphone handset switch. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

PHM-000E Carphone handset switch. Signal too high. Permanent fault

PHM-000F Carphone handset switch. Signal missing. Permanent fault

PHM-000F Handset loudspeaker

PHM-000F Handset loudspeaker. Signal too high / Signal missing

PHM-000F Handset loudspeaker. Signal too high or signal missing

PHM-000F Handset loudspeaker. Signal too high. Intermittent fault (EU/OS)

PHM-000F Handset loudspeaker. Signal too high. Intermittent fault (USA/CDN)

PHM-000F Handset loudspeaker. Signal too high. Permanent fault (EU/OS)

PHM-000F Handset loudspeaker. Signal too high. Permanent fault (USA/CDN)

PHM-000F Telephone handset speaker. Signal too high / signal missing

PHM-0010 Hands-free speakers. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

PHM-0010 Hands-free speakers. Signal too high. Permanent fault

PHM-0010 Handset loudspeaker. Signal too low

PHM-0010 Handset loudspeaker. Signal too low. Intermittent fault (EU/OS)

PHM-0010 Handset loudspeaker. Signal too low. Intermittent fault (USA/CDN)

PHM-0010 Handset loudspeaker. Signal too low. Permanent fault (EU/OS)

PHM-0010 Handset loudspeaker. Signal too low. Permanent fault (USA/CDN)

PHM-0010 Telephone handset speaker. Signal too low

PHM-0011 Hands-free speakers. Signal missing. Intermittent fault

PHM-0011 Hands-free speakers. Signal missing. Permanent fault

PHM-0012 Hands-free speakers. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

PHM-0012 Hands-free speakers. Signal too low. Permanent fault

PHM-0012 Handset supply. Signal too low

PHM-0012 Handset supply. Signal too low. Intermittent fault (EU/OS)

PHM-0012 Handset supply. Signal too low. Intermittent fault (USA/CDN)

PHM-0012 Handset supply. Signal too low. Permanent fault (EU/OS)

PHM-0012 Handset supply. Signal too low. Permanent fault (EU/OS)

PHM-0012 Handset supply. Signal too low. Permanent fault (USA/CDN)

PHM-0012 Telefonlursmatning. För låg signal. Intermittent fel (USA/CDN)

PHM-0012 Telephone handset voltage feed. Signal too low

PHM-0013 Control module

PHM-0013 Control module. Internal fault

PHM-0013 Control module. Internal fault. Intermittent fault

PHM-0013 Control module. Internal fault. Permanent fault (EU/OS)

PHM-0013 Control module. Internal fault. Permanent fault (USA/CDN)

PHM-0013 ON/OFF bulb. Internal fault. Intermittent fault

PSM-0001 Hall sensor 1. Faulty signal

PSM-0001 Hall sensor 1. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

PSM-0001 Hall sensor 1. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

PSM-0002 Hall sensor 2. Faulty signal

PSM-0002 Hall sensor 2. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

PSM-0002 Hall sensor 2. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

PSM-0003 Hall sensor 3. Faulty signal

PSM-0003 Hall sensor 3. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

PSM-0003 Hall sensor 3. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

PSM-0004 Hall sensor 4. Faulty signal

PSM-0004 Hall sensor 4. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

PSM-0004 Hall sensor 4. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

PSM-0007 M1, M2, M3, M4 or MC. Short-circuit to supply voltage

PSM-0008 M1, M2, M3, M4 or MC. Short-circuit to ground

PSM-0019 Memory function 1. Internal fault

PSM-0019 Memory function 1. Internal fault. Intermittent fault

PSM-0019 Memory function 1. Internal fault. Permanent fault

PSM-001A Memory function 2. Internal fault

PSM-001A Memory function 2. Internal fault. Intermittent fault

PSM-001A Memory function 2. Internal fault. Permanent fault

PSM-001B Memory function 3. Internal fault

PSM-001B Memory function 3. Internal fault. Intermittent fault

PSM-001B Memory function 3. Internal fault. Permanent fault

PSM-001C Control panel. Signal missing. Intermittent fault

PSM-001C Control panel. Signal missing. Permanent fault

PSM-001D Control module, relay. Internal fault. Intermittent fault

PSM-001D Control module, relay. Internal fault. Permanent fault

PSM-001E Battery voltage. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

PSM-001E Battery voltage. Signal too low. Permanent fault

PSM-0020 Front-rear adjustment control, M1+. Activated too long

PSM-0020 Front-rear adjustment control, M1+. Too slow. Intermittent fault

PSM-0020 Front-rear adjustment control, M1+. Too slow. Permanent fault

PSM-0021 Front-rear adjustment control, M1- Too slow. Intermittent fault

PSM-0021 Front-rear adjustment control, M1-. Activated too long

PSM-0021 Front-rear adjustment control, M1-. Too slow. Permanent fault

PSM-0022 Backrest adjustment control, M2+. Activated too long

PSM-0022 Backrest adjustment control, M2+. Too slow. Intermittent fault

PSM-0022 Backrest adjustment control, M2+. Too slow. Permanent fault

PSM-0023 Backrest adjustment control, M2-. Activated too long

PSM-0023 Backrest adjustment control, M2-. Too slow. Intermittent fault

PSM-0023 Backrest adjustment control, M2-. Too slow. Permanent fault

PSM-0024 Rear edge adjustment control, M3+. Activated too long

PSM-0024 Rear edge adjustment control, M3+. Too slow. Intermittent fault

PSM-0024 Rear edge adjustment control, M3+. Too slow. Permanent fault

PSM-0025 Rear edge adjustment control, M3-. Activated too long

PSM-0025 Rear edge adjustment control, M3-. Too slow. Intermittent fault

PSM-0025 Rear edge adjustment control, M3-. Too slow. Permanent fault

PSM-0026 Front edge adjustment control, M4+. Activated too long

PSM-0026 Front edge adjustment control, M4+. Too slow. Intermittent fault

PSM-0026 Front edge adjustment control, M4+. Too slow. Permanent fault

PSM-0027 Front edge adjustment control, M4-. Activated too long

PSM-0027 Front edge adjustment control, M4-. Too slow. Intermittent fault

PSM-0027 Front edge adjustment control, M4-. Too slow. Permanent fault

PSM-0028 Operating button, memory 1. Activated for too long

PSM-0028 Operating button, memory 1. Too slow. Intermittent fault

PSM-0028 Operating button, memory 1. Too slow. Permanent fault

PSM-0029 Operating button, memory 2. Activated for too long

PSM-0029 Operating button, memory 2. Too slow. Intermittent fault

PSM-0029 Operating button, memory 2. Too slow. Permanent fault

PSM-002A Operating button, memory 3. Activated for too long

PSM-002A Operating button, memory 3. Too slow. Intermittent fault

PSM-002A Operating button, memory 3. Too slow. Permanent fault

PSM-002B Memory button. Activated too long

PSM-002B Memory button. Too slow. Intermittent fault

PSM-002B Memory button. Too slow. Permanent fault

PSM-002C Button combination not permissible, M1+ and M1-. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

PSM-002C Button combination not permissible, M1+ and M1-. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

PSM-002C Front-rear adjustment, M1+ and M1- Faulty signal

PSM-002D Backrest, M2+ and M2-. Faulty signal

PSM-002D Button combination not permissible, M2+ and M2-. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

PSM-002D Button combination not permissible, M2+ and M2-. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

PSM-002E Button combination not permissible, M3+ and M3-. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

PSM-002E Button combination not permissible, M3+ and M3-. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

PSM-002E Seat rear edge, M3+ and M3-. Faulty signal

PSM-002F Button combination not permissible, M4+ and M4-. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

PSM-002F Button combination not permissible, M4+ and M4-. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

PSM-002F Seat front edge, M4+ and M4-. Faulty signal

PSM-0030 Front-rear adjustment, motor 1 (M1+). Signal missing

PSM-0030 Front-rear adjustment, Motor 1 (M1+). Signal missing. Intermittent fault

PSM-0030 Front-rear adjustment, Motor 1 (M1+). Signal missing. Permanent fault

PSM-0031 Front-rear adjustment, Motor 1 (M1-). Signal missing. Intermittent fault

PSM-0031 Front-rear adjustment, Motor 1 (M1-). Signal missing. Permanent fault

PSM-0032 Backrest, motor 2 (M2+). Signal missing

PSM-0032 Backrest, Motor 2 (M2+). Signal missing. Intermittent fault

PSM-0032 Backrest, Motor 2 (M2+). Signal missing. Permanent fault

PSM-0033 Backrest, Motor 2 (M2-). Signal missing. Intermittent fault

PSM-0033 Backrest, Motor 2 (M2-). Signal missing. Permanent fault

PSM-0034 Seat rear edge, motor 3 (M3+). Signal missing

PSM-0034 Seat rear edge, Motor 3 (M3+). Signal missing. Intermittent fault

PSM-0034 Seat rear edge, Motor 3 (M3+). Signal missing. Permanent fault

PSM-0035 Seat rear edge, Motor 3 (M3-). Signal missing. Intermittent fault

PSM-0035 Seat rear edge, Motor 3 (M3-). Signal missing. Permanent fault

PSM-0036 Seat front edge, motor 4 (M4+). Signal missing

PSM-0036 Seat front edge, Motor 4 (M4+). Signal missing. Intermittent fault

PSM-0036 Seat front edge, Motor 4 (M4+). Signal missing. Permanent fault

PSM-0037 Seat front edge, Motor 4 (M4-). Signal missing. Intermittent fault

PSM-0037 Seat front edge, Motor 4 (M4-). Signal missing. Permanent fault

PSM-0038 Incorrect software

PSM-0038 Wrong software

PSM-003A Hall sensor 1. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

REM-1A01 30-Power supply. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

REM-1A01 30-Power supply. Signal too low. Permanent fault

REM-1A02 Relay, extended power supply. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

REM-1A02 Relay, extended power supply. Signal too high. Permanent fault

REM-1A03 Relay, extended power supply. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

REM-1A03 Relay, extended power supply. Signal too low. Permanent fault

REM-1A04 Relay, 15I supply. Signal too high

REM-1A05 Relay, 15I supply. Signal too low

REM-1D01 Control module. Internal fault

REM-1D01 Control module. Internal fault. Permanent fault

REM-1D01 Control unit. Internal fault. Intermittent fault

REM-1D01 Control unit. Internal fault. Permanent fault

REM-1D02 Control module. Internal fault

REM-1D02 Control unit software. Internal fault. Intermittent fault

REM-1D02 Control unit software. Internal fault. Permanent fault

REM-1D03 Control module, not fully programmed Internal fault

REM-1D03 Control unit not fully programmed. Internal fault. Intermittent fault

REM-1D03 Control unit not fully programmed. Internal fault. Permanent fault

REM-1D07 Control module. Internal fault

REM-1D07 Control module. Internal fault. Permanent fault

REM-1D07 Control unit. Internal fault. Intermittent fault

REM-1D07 Control unit. Internal fault. Permanent fault

REM-1D08 Control module. Internal fault

REM-1D0A Control module. Internal fault

REM-3C01 Relay, preheating the diesel filter. Signal too high

REM-3FD1 Relay, gas tank valve. Signal too high

REM-3FD3 Relay, gas tank valve. Signal too low

REM-4A31 Fuel gauge sensor. Signal faulty. Intermittent fault

REM-4A31 Fuel gauge sensor. Signal faulty. Permanent fault

REM-4A31 Fuel level sensor. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

REM-4A31 Fuel level sensor. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

REM-4A33 Fuel gauge sensor. Signal too high/Signal missing. Intermittent fault

REM-4A33 Fuel gauge sensor. Signal too high/Signal missing. Permanent fault

REM-4A33 Fuel level sensor. Signal too high or Signal missing. Intermittent fault

REM-4A33 Fuel level sensor. Signal too high or Signal missing. Permanent fault

REM-4A34 Fuel gauge sensor. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

REM-4A34 Fuel gauge sensor. Signal too low. Permanent fault

REM-4A34 Fuel level sensor. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

REM-4A34 Fuel level sensor. Signal too low. Permanent fault

REM-4A35 Fuel gauge sensor. Signal faulty. Intermittent fault

REM-4A35 Fuel gauge sensor. Signal faulty. Permanent fault

REM-4A35 Fuel level sensor. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

REM-4A35 Fuel level sensor. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

REM-4A37 Fuel gauge sensor. Signal too high/Signal missing. Intermittent fault

REM-4A37 Fuel gauge sensor. Signal too high/Signal missing. Permanent fault

REM-4A37 Fuel level sensor. Signal too high or Signal missing. Intermittent fault

REM-4A37 Fuel level sensor. Signal too high or Signal missing. Permanent fault

REM-4A38 Fuel gauge sensor. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

REM-4A38 Fuel gauge sensor. Signal too low. Permanent fault

REM-4A38 Fuel level sensor. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

REM-4A38 Fuel level sensor. Signal too low. Permanent fault

REM-4A39 Fuel level, gas. Signal too low

REM-4A40 Gas temperature sensor. Signal too high

REM-4A41 Gas temperature sensor. Signal too low

REM-4A42 Gas pressure sensor. Signal too high

REM-4A43 Gas pressure sensor. Signal too low

REM-4A44 Fuel level, gas. Faulty signal

REM-4A45 Fuel level, gas. Signal too high

REM-4A46 Fuel level, gas. Signal too low

REM-4A47 Fuel level, gas. Signal too low

REM-4A48 Fuel level, gas. Signal too high

REM-4F41 Communication with parking assistance module (PAM). Signal missing

REM-4F42 Back-up warning sensor 1. Faulty signal

REM-4F42 Parking sensor 1. Faulty signal

REM-4F43 Back-up warning sensor 2. Faulty signal

REM-4F43 Parking sensor 2. Faulty signal

REM-4F44 Back-up warning sensor 3. Faulty signal

REM-4F44 Parking sensor 3. Faulty signal

REM-4F45 Back-up warning sensor 4. Faulty signal

REM-4F45 Parking sensor 4. Faulty signal

REM-4F46 Parking sensor 5. Faulty signal

REM-4F47 Parking sensor 6. Faulty signal

REM-4F48 Parking sensor 7. Faulty signal

REM-4F49 Parking sensor 8. Faulty signal

REM-4F4A Parking assistance module (PAM). Faulty signal

REM-4F90 Sensor, seat belt reminder. Signal too high

REM-4F91 Sensor, seat belt reminder. Signal too low

REM-4F92 Sensor, seat belt reminder. Signal missing

REM-4F93 Sensor, seat belt reminder. Faulty signal

REM-5A31 Relay, rear A/C. Signal too high

REM-5A32 Relay, rear A/C. Signal too low or signal missing

REM-6A01 Lock relay, central locking, rear left door. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

REM-6A01 Lock relay, central locking, rear left door. Signal too high. Permanent fault

REM-6A01 Locking relay. Rear left door central locking. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

REM-6A01 Locking relay. Rear left door central locking. Signal too high. Permanent fault

REM-6A01 Relay, central locking. Signal too high

REM-6A01 Switch, central locking motor. Signal too high

REM-6A02 Switch central locking motor. Signal too high

REM-6A03 Lock relay, central locking, rear left door. Signal missing. Intermittent fault

REM-6A03 Lock relay, central locking, rear left door. Signal missing. Permanent fault

REM-6A03 Locking relay. Rear left door central locking. Signal missing. Intermittent fault

REM-6A03 Locking relay. Rear left door central locking. Signal missing. Permanent fault

REM-6A03 Relay, central locking. Signal too low

REM-6A03 Switch central locking motor. Signal too low

REM-6A04 Switch central locking motor. Signal too low

REM-6A04 Unlocking relay, central locking rear left door. Signal too high

REM-6A04 Unlocking relay, central locking, rear left door. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

REM-6A04 Unlocking relay, central locking, rear left door. Signal too high. Permanent fault

REM-6A04 Unlocking relay. Rear left door central locking. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

REM-6A04 Unlocking relay. Rear left door central locking. Signal too high. Permanent fault

RTI-1000 Control module. Internal fault. Intermittent fault

RTI-1000 Control module. Internal fault. Permanent fault

RTI-2000 CD-ROM player reading off. Internal fault. Intermittent fault

RTI-2000 CD-ROM player reading off. Internal fault. Permanent fault

RTI-2000 DVD player. Internal fault

RTI-2100 CD-ROM player missing. Signal missing. Intermittent fault

RTI-2100 CD-ROM player missing. Signal missing. Permanent fault

RTI-2100 DVD player. Signal missing

RTI-3000 GPS receiver missing. Internal fault. Permanent fault

RTI-3000 GPS receiver. Internal fault. Intermittent fault

RTI-3000 GPS receiver. Internal fault. Permanent fault

RTI-3100 GPS antenna. Signal missing

RTI-4000 TMC receiver missing. Internal fault. Intermittent fault

RTI-4000 TMC receiver missing. Internal fault. Permanent fault

RTI-4000 TMC receiver. Internal fault. Intermittent fault

RTI-4000 TMC receiver. Internal fault. Permanent fault

RTI-5000 FM multiplex receiver missing. Internal fault. Permanent fault

RTI-5000 FM multiplex receiver. Internal fault. Intermittent fault

RTI-5000 FM multiplex receiver. Internal fault. Permanent fault

RTI-E001 Control module communication. Faulty communication

RTI-E003 Configuration fault. Faulty configuration

SAS-0000 Control module. Voltage too low

SAS-0001 Circuit for LED group 1. Signal too low

SAS-0001 Control module. Faulty voltage

SAS-0001 LED group 1 circuit. Signal too low

SAS-0002 Circuit for LED group 1. Signal too high

SAS-0002 Control module. Internal fault

SAS-0002 LED group 1 circuit. Signal too high

SAS-0003 Steering wheel angle sensor. Signal outside its permitted range

SAS-0003 Steering wheel angle signal A. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

SAS-0003 Steering wheel angle signal A. Signal too high. Permanent fault

SAS-0004 Steering wheel angle sensor. Signal outside its permitted range

SAS-0004 Steering wheel angle signal A. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

SAS-0004 Steering wheel angle signal A. Signal too low. Permanent fault

SAS-0005 Control module. Internal fault

SAS-0005 Steering wheel angle signal B. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

SAS-0005 Steering wheel angle signal B. Signal too high. Permanent fault

SAS-0006 Control module. Internal fault

SAS-0006 Steering wheel angle signal B. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

SAS-0006 Steering wheel angle signal B. Signal too low. Permanent fault

SAS-0007 Control module. Internal fault

SAS-0007 Steering wheel angle signal IX. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

SAS-0007 Steering wheel angle signal IX. Signal too high. Permanent fault

SAS-0008 Steering wheel angle sensor. Internal fault

SAS-0008 Steering wheel angle signal IX. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

SAS-0008 Steering wheel angle signal IX. Signal too low. Permanent fault

SAS-0009 Control module. Internal fault

SAS-0009 Steering wheel angle signal IY. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

SAS-0009 Steering wheel angle signal IY. Signal too high. Permanent fault

SAS-000A Steering wheel angle sensor. Internal fault

SAS-000B Control module. Internal fault

SAS-000C Control module. Internal fault

SAS-000E Steering wheel angle sensor. Internal fault

SAS-000F Steering wheel angle sensor. Internal fault

SAS-0010 Steering wheel angle sensor. Internal fault

SAS-0010 Steering wheel angle signal IY. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

SAS-0010 Steering wheel angle signal IY. Signal too low. Permanent fault

SAS-0011 Steering wheel angle sensor. Internal fault

SAS-0011 Steering wheel position signal R1. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

SAS-0011 Steering wheel position signal R1. Signal too high. Permanent fault

SAS-0012 Steering wheel position signal R1. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

SAS-0012 Steering wheel position signal R1. Signal too low. Permanent fault

SAS-0013 Steering wheel position signal R2. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

SAS-0013 Steering wheel position signal R2. Signal too high. Permanent fault

SAS-0014 Steering wheel angle sensor. Internal fault

SAS-0014 Steering wheel position signal R2. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

SAS-0014 Steering wheel position signal R2. Signal too low. Permanent fault

SAS-0015 Steering wheel angle sensor. Internal fault

SAS-0015 Steering wheel position signal R3. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

SAS-0015 Steering wheel position signal R3. Signal too high. Permanent fault

SAS-0016 Control module. Communication fault

SAS-0016 Steering wheel position signal R3. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

SAS-0016 Steering wheel position signal R3. Signal too low. Permanent fault

SAS-0017 Control module. Faulty signal

SAS-0017 Steering wheel position signal R4. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

SAS-0017 Steering wheel position signal R4. Signal too high. Permanent fault

SAS-0018 Control module. Signal missing

SAS-0018 Steering wheel position signal R4. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

SAS-0018 Steering wheel position signal R4. Signal too low. Permanent fault

SAS-0019 Control module. Internal fault

SAS-0019 Control unit. Internal fault

SAS-0020 Steering wheel angle sensor signal A/B/IX/IY. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

SAS-0020 Steering wheel angle sensor signal A/B/IX/IY. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

SAS-0020 Steering wheel angle sensor signal A/B/IX/IY. Signal faulty. Intermittent fault

SAS-0020 Steering wheel angle sensor signal A/B/IX/IY. Signal faulty. Permanent fault

SAS-0021 Steering wheel angle sensor signal R1/R2/R3/R4. Faulty signal

SAS-0021 Steering wheel angle sensor signal R1/R2/R3/R4. Signal faulty

SAS-0022 Steering wheel angle sensor signal R1/R2/R3/R4. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

SAS-0022 Steering wheel angle sensor signal R1/R2/R3/R4. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

SAS-0022 Steering wheel angle sensor signal R1/R2/R3/R4. Signal faulty. Intermittent fault

SAS-0022 Steering wheel angle sensor signal R1/R2/R3/R4. Signal faulty. Permanent fault

SAS-0023 Steering wheel angle sensor signal A/B/IX/IY. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

SAS-0023 Steering wheel angle sensor signal A/B/IX/IY. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

SAS-0023 Steering wheel angle sensor signal A/B/IX/IY. Signal faulty. Intermittent fault

SAS-0023 Steering wheel angle sensor signal A/B/IX/IY. Signal faulty. Permanent fault

SAS-0024 Steering wheel angle sensor. No signal. Intermittent fault

SAS-0024 Steering wheel angle sensor. No signal. Permanent fault

SAS-0024 Steering wheel angle sensor. Signal missing. Intermittent fault

SAS-0024 Steering wheel angle sensor. Signal missing. Permanent fault

SAS-0025 Circuit for LED group 2. Signal too low

SAS-0025 LED group 2 circuit. Signal too low

SAS-0026 Circuit for LED group 2. Signal too high

SAS-0026 LED group 2 circuit. Signal too high

SAS-0041 Steering wheel angle sensor. Internal fault

SAS-0042 Steering wheel angle sensor. Internal fault

SAS-0044 Steering wheel angle sensor Signal faulty

SAS-0044 Steering wheel angle sensor. Faulty signal

SAS-0045 Steering wheel angle signal A. No signal. Intermittent fault

SAS-0045 Steering wheel angle signal A. No signal. Permanent fault

SAS-0045 Steering wheel angle signal A. Signal missing. Intermittent fault

SAS-0045 Steering wheel angle signal A. Signal missing. Permanent fault

SAS-0046 Steering wheel angle signal B. No signal. Intermittent fault

SAS-0046 Steering wheel angle signal B. No signal. Permanent fault

SAS-0046 Steering wheel angle signal B. Signal missing. Intermittent fault

SAS-0046 Steering wheel angle signal B. Signal missing. Permanent fault

SAS-0047 Control module. Signal missing. Intermittent fault

SAS-0047 Control module. Signal missing. Permanent fault

SAS-0047 Control unit. No signal. Intermittent fault

SAS-0047 Control unit. No signal. Permanent fault

SAS-0048 Control unit voltage supply. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

SAS-0048 Control unit voltage supply. Signal too high. Permanent fault

SRS-0001 Control module. Internal fault

SRS-0001 SRS indicator lamp. Faulty function

SRS-0002 SRS indicator lamp. Signal missing

SRS-0003 PAD lamp. Faulty function

SRS-0004 PAD lamp. Signal missing

SRS-0005 Power supply from the battery. Voltage too low

SRS-0006 Power supply from the battery. Voltage too high

SRS-0010 Driver air bag, stage 1. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

SRS-0010 Driver air bag, stage 1. Signal too high. Permanent fault

SRS-0010 Driver airbag stage 1. Signal too low

SRS-0010 Driver airbag, stage 1. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

SRS-0010 Driver airbag, stage 1. Signal too high. Permanent fault

SRS-0011 Driver air bag, stage 1. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

SRS-0011 Driver air bag, stage 1. Signal too low. Permanent fault

SRS-0011 Driver airbag stage 1. Signal too high

SRS-0011 Driver airbag, stage 1. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

SRS-0011 Driver airbag, stage 1. Signal too low. Permanent fault

SRS-0012 Driver air bag, stage 1. Capacitance too high. Intermittent fault

SRS-0012 Driver air bag, stage 1. Capacitance too high. Permanent fault

SRS-0012 Driver airbag stage 1. Resistance too low

SRS-0012 Driver airbag, stage 1. Capacitance too high. Intermittent fault

SRS-0012 Driver airbag, stage 1. Capacitance too high. Permanent fault

SRS-0013 Driver air bag, stage 1. Capacitance too low. Intermittent fault

SRS-0013 Driver air bag, stage 1. Capacitance too low. Permanent fault

SRS-0013 Driver airbag stage 1. Resistance too high

SRS-0013 Driver airbag, stage 1. Capacitance too low. Intermittent fault

SRS-0013 Driver airbag, stage 1. Capacitance too low. Permanent fault

SRS-0014 Driver air bag stage 1. Resistance too high. Intermittent fault

SRS-0014 Driver air bag, stage 1. Resistance too high. Permanent fault

SRS-0014 Driver airbag stage 1. Short-circuit to adjacent SRS ignition cable

SRS-0014 Driver airbag, stage 1. Resistance too high. Intermittent fault

SRS-0014 Driver airbag, stage 1. Resistance too high. Permanent fault

SRS-0015 Driver air bag, stage 1. Resistance too low. Intermittent fault

SRS-0015 Driver air bag, stage 1. Resistance too low. Permanent fault

SRS-0015 Driver airbag, stage 1. Resistance too low. Intermittent fault

SRS-0015 Driver airbag, stage 1. Resistance too low. Permanent fault

SRS-0016 Driver air bag, stage 1. Configuration fault. Intermittent fault

SRS-0016 Driver air bag, stage 1. Configuration fault. Permanent fault

SRS-0016 Driver airbag stage 2. Signal too low

SRS-0017 Driver airbag stage 2. Signal too high

SRS-0018 Driver airbag stage 2. Resistance too low

SRS-0018 Driver airbag, stage 2. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

SRS-0018 Driver airbag, stage 2. Signal too high. Permanent fault

SRS-0019 Driver airbag stage 2. Resistance too high

SRS-0019 Driver airbag, stage 2. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

SRS-0019 Driver airbag, stage 2. Signal too low. Permanent fault

SRS-001A Driver airbag stage 2. Short-circuit to adjacent SRS ignition cable

SRS-001E Driver.s airbag stage 2. Configuration fault. Permanent fault

SRS-0020 Passenger air bag, stage 1. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

SRS-0020 Passenger air bag, stage 1. Signal too high. Permanent fault

SRS-0020 Passenger airbag, stage 1. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

SRS-0020 Passenger airbag, stage 1. Signal too high. Permanent fault

SRS-0021 Passenger air bag, stage 1. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

SRS-0021 Passenger air bag, stage 1. Signal too low. Permanent fault

SRS-0021 Passenger airbag, stage 1. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

SRS-0021 Passenger airbag, stage 1. Signal too low. Permanent fault

SRS-0022 Passenger air bag, stage 1. Capacitance too high. Permanent fault

SRS-0022 Passenger airbag, stage 1. Capacitance too high. Intermittent fault

SRS-0022 Passenger airbag, stage 1. Capacitance too high. Permanent fault

SRS-0023 Passenger air bag, stage 1. Capacitance too low. Intermittent fault

SRS-0023 Passenger air bag, stage 1. Capacitance too low. Permanent fault

SRS-0023 Passenger airbag, stage 1. Capacitance too low. Intermittent fault

SRS-0023 Passenger airbag, stage 1. Capacitance too low. Permanent fault

SRS-0024 Passenger air bag, stage 1. Resistance too high. Intermittent fault

SRS-0024 Passenger air bag, stage 1. Resistance too high. Permanent fault

SRS-0024 Passenger airbag, stage 1. Resistance too high. Intermittent fault

SRS-0024 Passenger airbag, stage 1. Resistance too high. Permanent fault

SRS-0025 Passenger air bag, stage 1. Resistance too low. Intermittent fault

SRS-0025 Passenger air bag, stage 1. Resistance too low. Permanent fault

SRS-0025 Passenger airbag, stage 1. Resistance too low. Intermittent fault

SRS-0025 Passenger airbag, stage 1. Resistance too low. Permanent fault

SRS-0026 Configuration fault. Internal fault. Intermittent fault

SRS-0026 Configuration fault. Internal fault. Permanent fault

SRS-0026 Passenger airbag, stage 1. Configuration fault. Intermittent fault

SRS-0026 Passenger airbag, stage 1. Configuration fault. Permanent fault

SRS-0028 Passenger air bag, stage 2. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

SRS-0028 Passenger air bag, stage 2. Signal too high. Permanent fault

SRS-0028 Passenger airbag stage 2. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

SRS-0028 Passenger airbag stage 2. Signal too high. Permanent fault

SRS-0028 Passenger airbag, stage 2. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

SRS-0028 Passenger airbag, stage 2. Signal too high. Permanent fault

SRS-0029 Passenger air bag, stage 2. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

SRS-0029 Passenger air bag, stage 2. Signal too low. Permanent fault

SRS-0029 Passenger airbag stage 2. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

SRS-0029 Passenger airbag stage 2. Signal too low. Permanent fault

SRS-0029 Passenger airbag, stage 2. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

SRS-0029 Passenger airbag, stage 2. Signal too low. Permanent fault

SRS-002A Passenger air bag, stage 2. Capacitance too high. Intermittent fault

SRS-002A Passenger air bag, stage 2. Capacitance too high. Permanent fault

SRS-002A Passenger airbag, stage 2. Capacitance too high. Intermittent fault

SRS-002A Passenger airbag, stage 2. Capacitance too high. Permanent fault

SRS-002B Passenger air bag, stage 2. Capacitance too low. Intermittent fault

SRS-002B Passenger air bag, stage 2. Capacitance too low. Permanent fault

SRS-002B Passenger airbag, stage 2. Capacitance too low. Intermittent fault

SRS-002B Passenger airbag, stage 2. Capacitance too low. Permanent fault

SRS-002C Passenger air bag, stage 2. Resistance too high. Intermittent fault

SRS-002C Passenger air bag, stage 2. Resistance too high. Permanent fault

SRS-002C Passenger airbag, stage 2. Resistance too high. Intermittent fault

SRS-002C Passenger airbag, stage 2. Resistance too high. Permanent fault

SRS-002D Passenger air bag, stage 2. Resistance too low. Intermittent fault

SUB-0001 Control module. Internal fault

SUB-0002 Control module. Internal fault

SUB-0003 Control module. Internal fault

SUB-0004 Control module. Internal fault

SUB-0005 Control module. Internal fault

SUB-0006 Control module. Internal fault

SUM-0011 Acceleration sensor, suspension left front. Signal too low

SUM-0012 Acceleration sensor, suspension left front. Signal too high

SUM-0013 Acceleration sensor, suspension left front. Signal missing

SUM-0021 Acceleration sensor, suspension right front. Signal too low

SUM-0022 Acceleration sensor, suspension right front. Signal too high

SUM-0023 Acceleration sensor, suspension right front. Signal missing

SUM-0031 Position sensor, suspension left rear. Signal too low

SUM-0032 Position sensor, suspension left rear. Signal too high

SUM-0033 Position sensor, suspension left rear. Signal missing

SUM-0041 Position sensor, suspension right rear. Signal too low

SUM-0042 Position sensor, suspension right rear. Signal too high

SUM-0043 Position sensor, suspension right rear. Signal missing

SUM-0051 Bodywork acceleration sensor body, left front. Signal too low

SUM-0052 Bodywork acceleration sensor body, left front. Signal too high

SUM-0053 Bodywork acceleration sensor, left front. Signal missing

SUM-0061 Bodywork acceleration sensor, right front. Signal too low

SUM-0062 Bodywork acceleration sensor, right front. Signal too high

SUM-0063 Bodywork acceleration sensor, right front. Signal missing

SUM-0071 Bodywork acceleration sensor body, left rear. Signal too low

SUM-0072 Bodywork acceleration sensor body, left rear. Signal too high

SUM-0073 Bodywork acceleration sensor body, left rear. Signal missing

SUM-0081 Supply, sensor. Signal too low

SUM-0082 Supply, sensor. Signal too high

SUM-0091 Supply, sensor. Signal too low

SUM-0092 Supply, sensor. Signal too high

SUM-0111 Solenoid, suspension left front. Signal too low

SUM-0112 Solenoid, suspension left front. Signal too high

SUM-0113 Solenoid, suspension left front. Signal missing

SUM-0115 Solenoid, suspension left front. Current too low

SUM-0116 Solenoid, suspension left front. Current too high

SUM-0117 Solenoid, suspension left front. Current too high

SUM-0118 Solenoid, suspension left front. Temperature too high

SUM-0121 Solenoid, suspension right front. Signal too low

SUM-0122 Solenoid, suspension right front. Signal too high

SUM-0123 Solenoid, suspension right front. Signal missing

SUM-0128 Solenoid, suspension right front. Temperature too high

SUM-0131 Solenoid, suspension left rear. Signal too low

SUM-0132 Solenoid, suspension left rear. Signal too high

SUM-0133 Solenoid, suspension left rear. Signal missing

SUM-0135 Solenoid, suspension left rear. Current too low

SUM-0136 Solenoid, suspension left rear. Current too high

SUM-0137 Solenoid, suspension left rear. Current too high

SUM-0138 Solenoid, suspension left rear. Temperature too high

SUM-0141 Solenoid, suspension right rear. Signal too low

SUM-0142 Solenoid, suspension right rear. Signal too high

SUM-0143 Solenoid, suspension right rear. Signal missing

SUM-0145 Solenoid, suspension right rear. Current too low

SUM-0146 Solenoid, suspension right rear. Current too high

SUM-0147 Solenoid, suspension right rear. Current too high

SUM-0148 Solenoid, suspension right rear. Temperature too high

SUM-0151 Keypad. Signal too low

SUM-0152 Keypad. Signal too high

SUM-0153 Keypad. Signal missing

SUM-0171 Keypad, COMFORT indication. Signal too low

SUM-0172 Keypad, COMFORT indication. Signal too high

SUM-0181 Keypad, SPORT indication. Signal too low

SUM-0182 Keypad, SPORT indication. Signal too high

SUM-0191 Keypad, ADVANCED indication. Signal too low

SUM-0192 Keypad, ADVANCED indication. Signal too high

SUM-0201 Control module. Signal too low

SUM-0202 Control module. Signal too high

SUM-0203 Control module

SUM-0204 Control module. Internal fault

SUM-0205 Control module. Internal fault

SUM-0206 Control module. Internal fault

SUM-0207 Control module

SUM-0207 Control module. Internal fault

SUM-0208 Control module. Internal fault

SUM-0209 Control module

SUM-0211 Control module. Faulty software

SUM-0212 Control module. Internal fault

SUM-0213 Control module. Internal fault

SUM-0220 Position sensor, calibrating

SUM-0221 Position sensor, calibrating

SUM-0222 Solenoids, calibrating

SUM-0223 Solenoids, calibrating

SUM-0230 Control module. Faulty configuration

SUM-0243 Control module. Internal fault

SUM-0244 Control module. Internal fault

SUM-0245 Control module. Internal fault

SUM-0246 Control module. Internal fault

SUM-0251 Control module

SUM-0261 Control module

SUM-0262 Control module

SUM-0263 Control module

SUM-0322 Communication, Central Electronic Module (CEM)

SUM-0324 Communication, Brake Control Module (BCM)

SUM-0326 Communication, Engine Control Module (ECM)

SUM-0327 Communication, Steering Wheel Angle Sensor Module (SAS)

SUM-0328 Communication, Climate Control Module (CCM)

SUM-0332 Communication, Central Electronic Module (CEM)

SUM-0334 Communication, Brake Control Module (BCM)

SUM-0336 Communication, Engine Control Module (ECM)

SUM-0337 Communication, Steering Wheel Angle Sensor Module (SAS)

SUM-E000 Control module communication

SUM-E003 Control module communication

SWM-0001 Reset button. Activated for long time. Intermittent fault

SWM-0001 Reset button. Activated for long time. Permanent fault

SWM-0001 Reset button. Activated too long

SWM-0001 Reset button. Activated too long. Permanent fault

SWM-0002 Read button. Activated for long time. Intermittent fault

SWM-0002 Read button. Activated for long time. Permanent fault

SWM-0002 Read button. Activated too long

SWM-0002 Read button. Activated too long. Permanent fault

SWM-0003 Headlamp flash. Activated too long

SWM-0003 Headlamp flash. Activated too long. Permanent fault

SWM-0003 Headlamp flasher Activated for long time. Intermittent fault

SWM-0003 Headlamp flasher Activated for long time. Permanent fault

SWM-0004 Indicator lever. Incorrect combination. Intermittent fault

SWM-0004 Indicator lever. Incorrect combination. Permanent fault

SWM-0004 Turn signal lamp stalk. Invalid combination

SWM-0004 Turn signal lamp stalk. Invalid combination. Permanent fault

SWM-0005 Windshield wiper lever. Invalid combination

SWM-0006 Rain sensor button. Activated too long

SWM-0008 Communication with steering wheel buttons. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

SWM-0008 Communication with steering wheel buttons. Signal too low. Permanent fault

SWM-0008 Communication with steering wheel switches. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

SWM-0008 Communication with steering wheel switches. Signal too low. Permanent fault

SWM-0009 Communication with steering wheel buttons. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

SWM-0009 Communication with steering wheel buttons. Signal too high. Permanent fault

SWM-000A Communication with steering wheel buttons. Signal missing. Intermittent fault

SWM-000A Communication with steering wheel buttons. Signal missing. Permanent fault

SWM-000A Communication with steering wheel switches. No signal. Intermittent fault

SWM-000A Communication with steering wheel switches. No signal. Permanent fault

SWM-000B Windscreen-wiper lever. Incorrect combination. Intermittent fault

SWM-000B Windscreen-wiper lever. Incorrect combination. Permanent fault

SWM-000B Windshield wiper lever. Invalid combination. Permanent fault

SWM-000C Windscreen-wiper lever. Incorrect combination. Intermittent fault

SWM-000C Windscreen-wiper lever. Incorrect combination. Permanent fault

SWM-000C Windshield wiper lever. Invalid combination

SWM-000C Windshield wiper lever. Invalid combination. Permanent fault

SWM-000D Windscreen-wiper lever. Incorrect combination. Intermittent fault

SWM-000D Windscreen-wiper lever. Incorrect combination. Permanent fault

SWM-000D Windshield wiper lever. Invalid combination

SWM-000D Windshield wiper lever. Invalid combination. Permanent fault

SWM-000E Windshield wiper lever. Invalid combination

SWM-000E Windshield wiper lever. Invalid combination. Intermittent fault

SWM-000E Windshield wiper lever. Invalid combination. Permanent fault

SWM-000F Windshield wiper lever. Invalid combination

SWM-000F Windshield wiper lever. Invalid combination. Intermittent fault

SWM-000F Windshield wiper lever. Invalid combination. Permanent fault

SWM-0010 Resume and Cancel buttons. Incorrect combination. Intermittent fault

SWM-0010 Resume and Cancel buttons. Incorrect combination. Permanent fault

SWM-0010 Resume and Cancel buttons. Invalid combination. Intermittent fault

SWM-0010 Resume and Cancel buttons. Invalid combination. Permanent fault

SWM-0011 Set+ and Set- buttons. Incorrect combination. Intermittent fault

SWM-0011 Set+ and Set- buttons. Incorrect combination. Permanent fault

SWM-0011 Set+ and Set- buttons. Invalid combination. Intermittent fault

SWM-0011 Set+ and Set- buttons. Invalid combination. Permanent fault

SWM-0012 Search+ and Search- buttons. Incorrect combination. Intermittent fault

SWM-0012 Search+ and Search- buttons. Incorrect combination. Permanent fault

SWM-0012 Search+ and Search- buttons. Invalid combination. Intermittent fault

SWM-0012 Search+ and Search- buttons. Invalid combination. Permanent fault

SWM-0013 Volume+ and Volume- buttons. Incorrect combination. Intermittent fault

SWM-0013 Volume+ and Volume- buttons. Incorrect combination. Permanent fault

SWM-0013 Volume+ and Volume- buttons. Invalid combination. Intermittent fault

SWM-0013 Volume+ and Volume- buttons. Invalid combination. Permanent fault

SWM-0014 RTI multi-button. Incorrect combination. Intermittent fault

SWM-0014 RTI multi-button. Incorrect combination. Permanent fault

SWM-0014 RTI multi-button. Invalid combination

SWM-0014 RTI multi-button. Invalid combination. Intermittent fault

SWM-0014 RTI multi-button. Invalid combination. Permanent fault

SWM-0016 Cruise control ON/OFF button. Activated for long time. Intermittent fault

SWM-0016 Cruise control ON/OFF button. Activated for long time. Permanent fault

SWM-0016 Cruise control ON/OFF button. Activated too long

SWM-0016 Cruise control ON/OFF button. Activated too long. Intermittent fault

SWM-0016 Cruise control ON/OFF button. Activated too long. Permanent fault

SWM-0017 Cruise control Resume button. Activated too long

SWM-0017 Cruise control Resume button. Activated too long. Intermittent fault

SWM-0017 Cruise control Resume button. Activated too long. Permanent fault

SWM-0017 Cruise-control Resume button. Activated for long time. Intermittent fault

SWM-0017 Cruise-control Resume button. Activated for long time. Permanent fault

SWM-0018 Cruise control Cancel button. Activated too long

SWM-0018 Cruise control Cancel button. Activated too long. Intermittent fault

SWM-0018 Cruise control Cancel button. Activated too long. Permanent fault

SWM-0018 Cruise-control Cancel button. Activated for long time. Intermittent fault

SWM-0018 Cruise-control Cancel button. Activated for long time. Permanent fault

SWM-0019 Cruise control Set+ button. Activated too long

SWM-0019 Cruise control Set+ button. Activated too long. Intermittent fault

SWM-0019 Cruise control Set+ button. Activated too long. Permanent fault

SWM-0019 Cruise-control Set+ button. Activated for long time. Intermittent fault

SWM-0019 Cruise-control Set+ button. Activated for long time. Permanent fault

SWM-001A Cruise control Set- button. Activated too long

SWM-001A Cruise control Set- button. Activated too long. Intermittent fault

SWM-001A Cruise control Set- button. Activated too long. Permanent fault

SWM-001A Cruise-control Set- button. Activated for long time. Intermittent fault

SWM-001A Cruise-control Set- button. Activated for long time. Permanent fault

SWM-001B Carphone YES-button. Activated too long

SWM-001B Carphone YES-button. Activated too long. Intermittent fault

SWM-001B Carphone YES-button. Activated too long. Permanent fault

SWM-001B Telephone YES button. Activated for long time. Intermittent fault

SWM-001B Telephone YES button. Activated for long time. Permanent fault

SWM-001C Carphone NO button. Activated too long

SWM-001C Carphone NO button. Activated too long. Intermittent fault

SWM-001C Carphone NO button. Activated too long. Permanent fault

SWM-001C Telephone NO button. Activated for long time. Intermittent fault

TCM-0001 Gear shift solenoid S1. Signal too high

TCM-0001 Shift solenoid S1. Signal too high

TCM-0002 Gear shift solenoid S1. Signal missing

TCM-0002 Shift solenoid S1. Signal missing

TCM-0003 Gear shift solenoid S1. Signal too low

TCM-0003 Shift solenoid S1. Signal too low

TCM-0007 Gear shift solenoid S2. Signal too high

TCM-0007 Shift solenoid S2. Signal too high

TCM-0008 Gear shift solenoid S2. Signal missing

TCM-0008 Shift solenoid S2. Signal missing

TCM-0009 Gear shift solenoid S2. Signal too low

TCM-0009 Shift solenoid S2. Signal too low

TCM-000B Shift solenoid S1. Hydraulic fault

TCM-000C Shift solenoid S2. Hydraulic fault

TCM-000D Line pressure solenoid STH. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

TCM-000D Line pressure solenoid STH. Signal too high. Permanent fault

TCM-000F Line pressure solenoid STH. Signal missing. Intermittent fault

TCM-000F Line pressure solenoid STH. Signal missing. Permanent fault

TCM-0010 Line pressure solenoid STH. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

TCM-0010 Line pressure solenoid STH. Signal too low. Permanent fault

TCM-0012 Lock-up solenoid SL. Signal too high. Intermittent fault

TCM-0012 Lock-up solenoid SL. Signal too high. Permanent fault

TCM-0013 Lock-up solenoid SL. Signal missing. Intermittent fault

TCM-0013 Lock-up solenoid SL. Signal missing. Permanent fault

TCM-0014 Lock-up solenoid SL. Signal too low. Intermittent fault

TCM-0014 Lock-up solenoid SL. Signal too low. Permanent fault

TCM-0015 Lock-up solenoid SL. Hydraulic fault

TCM-0016 Control module. Internal fault. Intermittent fault

TCM-0016 Control module. Internal fault. Permanent fault

TCM-001C Kickdown switch (KD). Signal too low

TCM-001E Transmission output speed sensor. Signal missing

TCM-001F Speed sensor. No signal. Intermittent fault

TCM-001F Speed sensor. No signal. Permanent fault

TCM-001F Transmission output speed sensor. Signal missing. Intermittent fault

TCM-001F Transmission output speed sensor. Signal missing. Permanent fault

TCM-001F Vehicle speed sensor (VSS). Signal missing

TCM-001F Vehicle speed sensor (VSS). Signal missing. Intermittent fault

TCM-001F Vehicle speed sensor (VSS). Signal missing. Permanent fault

TCM-001F Vehicle speed sensor. Signal missing. Intermittent fault

TCM-001F Vehicle speed sensor. Signal missing. Permanent fault

TCM-0020 Speed sensor. Signal faulty. Intermittent fault

TCM-0020 Speed sensor. Signal faulty. Permanent fault

TCM-0020 Transmission output speed sensor. Faulty signal

TCM-0020 Transmission output speed sensor. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

TCM-0020 Transmission output speed sensor. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

TCM-0020 Vehicle speed sensor (VSS). Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

TCM-0020 Vehicle speed sensor (VSS). Faulty signal. Permanent fault

TCM-0020 Vehicle speed sensor. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

TCM-0020 Vehicle speed sensor. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

TCM-0022 Transmission speed sensor. Signal missing

TCM-0023 Engine speed (RPM) sensor. Signal missing. Intermittent fault

TCM-0023 Engine speed (RPM) sensor. Signal missing. Permanent fault

TCM-0023 Input speed sensor. Signal missing. Intermittent fault

TCM-0023 Input speed sensor. Signal missing. Permanent fault

TCM-0023 Transmission input speed sensor. Signal missing

TCM-0023 Transmission input speed sensor. Signal missing. Intermittent fault

TCM-0023 Transmission input speed sensor. Signal missing. Permanent fault

TCM-0023 Transmission speed sensor. Signal missing. Intermittent fault

TCM-0023 Transmission speed sensor. Signal missing. Permanent fault

TCM-0023 Vehicle speed sensor. Signal missing. Intermittent fault

TCM-0023 Vehicle speed sensor. Signal missing. Permanent fault

TCM-0024 Engine speed (RPM) sensor. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

TCM-0024 Engine speed (RPM) sensor. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

TCM-0024 Input speed sensor. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

TCM-0024 Input speed sensor. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

TCM-0024 Tachometer sensor. Signal faulty. Intermittent fault

TCM-0024 Tachometer sensor. Signal faulty. Permanent fault

TCM-0024 Transmission input speed sensor. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

TCM-0024 Transmission input speed sensor. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

TCM-0024 Transmission speed sensor. Faulty signal

TCM-0024 Transmission speed sensor. Faulty signal. Intermittent fault

TCM-0024 Transmission speed sensor. Faulty signal. Permanent fault

TCM-0027 Back-up (reverse) gear. Incorrect gear ratio

TCM-0027 Back-up gear. Incorrect gear ratio

TCM-0027 Reverse gear. Gear shift problems

TCM-0028 1st gear. Incorrect gear ratio

TCM-0028 First gear. Incorrect gear ratio

TCM-0029 2nd gear. Incorrect gear ratio

TCM-0029 Second gear. Incorrect gear ratio

TCM-002A 3rd gear. Incorrect gear ratio

TCM-002A Third gear. Incorrect gear ratio

TCM-002B 4th gear. Incorrect gear ratio

TCM-002B Fourth gear. Incorrect gear ratio

TCM-002C 5th gear. Incorrect gear ratio

TCM-002C Fifth gear. Incorrect gear ratio

TCM-002E Lock-up function. Jerks or does not engage

TCM-002E Lock-up. The gearbox jerks during lock-up

TCM-002E Lock-up. The transmission jerks when lock-up engages

TCM-002E Lock-up. Transmission judder in lock-up

TCM-002F Lock-up function. Slipping or not engaged

TCM-002F Lock-up function. Slips or does not engage

TCM-002F Lock-up function. Slips or is not connected

TCM-0036 Winter mode selector switch. Signal too low

TCM-0039 Gear position sensor. Signal faulty

TCM-0039 Gear-shift position sensor. Faulty signal

TCM-0042 Counter, oil quality. The counter exceeds the limit value

TCM-0042 Oil temperature. Temperature too high

TCM-0043 Oil temperature sensor. Signal too low

TCM-0043 Oil temperature sensor. Temperature too high

TCM-0044 Oil temperature sensor. Signal too high

TMC-0001 Antenna TMC. Signal missing

TMC-0002 Antenna TMC. Signal too high

TRM-1A03 Control module. Internal fault

TRM-1A04 Control module. Internal fault

TRM-8B01 Parking lamps. Signal too low

TRM-8B02 Parking lamps. Signal too high

TRM-8C01 Fog lamps. Signal too low

TRM-8C02 Fog lamps. Signal too high

TRM-8D01 Left-hand stop lamp. Signal too low

TRM-8D02 Left-hand stop lamp. Signal too high

TRM-8D03 Right-hand stop lamp. Signal too low

TRM-8D04 Right-hand stop lamp. Signal too high

TRM-8D05 Stop lamps. Faulty signal

TRM-8E01 Back-up (reversing) lamp. Signal too low

TRM-8E02 Back-up (reversing) lamp. Signal too high

TRM-8F01 Left turn signal lamp. Signal too low

TRM-8F02 Left turn signal lamp. Signal too high

TRM-8F03 Right turn signal lamp. Signal too low

TRM-8F04 Right turn signal lamp. Signal too high

TRM-E001 Control module communication. Faulty communication

TRM-E003 Configuration fault. Faulty configuration

TRM-E010 Power supply. Voltage difference too great

UEM-0004 Siren. Communication fault

UEM-0005 Sun roof. Communication fault

UEM-0005 Sunroof. Communication fault

UEM-0007 Reading lamp. Signal too low

UEM-0008 Reading lamp. Signal too low

UEM-0009 Reading lamp. Signal too low

UEM-000A Movement sensor. Communication fault

UEM-000B Movement sensor. Signal too low

UEM-000C Mass movement sensor. Signal too high

UEM-0011 Mass movement sensor. Signal too low

UEM-0013 Movement sensor. Internal fault

UEM-0014 Movement sensor. Internal fault

UEM-001C General courtesy lighting. Signal faulty

UEM-001D Reading lamp. Signal too high

UEM-001E Reading lamp. Signal too high

UEM-001F Remote receiver. Internal fault

UEM-0020 Rear view mirror. Signal missing

UEM-0030 Reading lamp. Signal too low

UEM-0031 Reading lamp. Signal missing

UEM-0032 Reading lamp. Signal too low

UEM-0033 Reading lamp. Signal missing

UEM-0034 Reading lamp. Signal too low

UEM-0035 Reading lamp. Signal missing

UEM-0036 Reading lamp. Signal too low

UEM-0037 Reading lamp. Signal missing

UEM-0038 General courtesy lighting. Signal too low

UEM-0038 General lighting. Signal too low

UEM-0039 General courtesy lighting. Signal missing

UEM-0039 General lighting. Signal missing

UEM-003A Extended X supply (EXT_X). Signal too low

UEM-003C Cargo compartment lighting/3rd row reading lamps. Signal too low

UEM-003D Cargo compartment lighting/3rd row reading lamps. Faulty signal

UEM-0041 Control unit. Internal fault

UEM-0051 Sunroof. Signal faulty

UEM-0052 Sunroof motor. Signal too high

UEM-0053 Sunroof motor. Signal too low

UEM-0054 Sunroof motor. Signal too low

UEM-0056 Sunroof motor. Signal too high

UEM-0057 Sunroof motor. Signal too high

UEM-0058 Sunroof motor. Signal too high

UEM-0059 Sunroof motor. Signal too high

UEM-0060 Sunroof motor. Signal too high

UEM-0061 Sunroof motor. Signal too high

UEM-0062 Sunroof motor. Signal too high

UEM-0063 Sunroof motor. Signal too high

UEM-0064 Sunroof. Signal too high

UEM-0065 Sunroof. Signal faulty

UEM-0066 Sunroof. Signal faulty

UEM-0067 Sunroof. Signal faulty

UEM-0068 Sunroof. Signal faulty

UEM-0070 Sunroof. Signal faulty

UEM-0071 Control unit. Internal fault

UEM-0072 Control unit. Internal fault

UEM-0078 Siren. Configuration fault

UEM-0080 Rain sensor. Signal missing

UEM-0081 Rain sensor. Signal too low

UEM-0082 Rain sensor. Signal too high

UEM-0083 Rain sensor. Internal fault

UEM-0084 Rain sensor. Faulty signal

UEM-0090 PAD lamp. Signal too low

UEM-0090 Rear view mirror, display. Signal too low

UEM-0091 PAD lamp. Signal too high

UEM-0091 Rear view mirror, display. Signal too high

UEM-0092 Rear view mirror, display. Faulty hardware

UEM-0093 Seat belt reminder. Faulty signal

UEM-0094 Seat belt reminder. Signal too high

UEM-00A0 Tire pressure sensor. Signal missing

UEM-00A1 Tire pressure sensor. Signal missing

UEM-00A2 Tire pressure sensor. Signal missing

UEM-00A3 Tire pressure sensor. Signal missing

UEM-00A4 Tire pressure sensor. Low battery voltage

UEM-00A5 Tire pressure sensor. Low battery voltage

UEM-00A6 Tire pressure sensor. Low battery voltage

UEM-00A7 Tire pressure sensor. Low battery voltage

UEM-00A8 Tire pressure warning. Sensor missing

UEM-00A9 Control module. Configuration fault

UEM-E001 Control module communication. Faulty communication

UEM-E003 Configuration fault. Faulty configuration

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J'ai enfin installé VIDA sur mon PC (non sans mal) grâce à ce topic :jap: et le forum swedespeed.



Car ma caisse s'est mise en mode sécurité:


Après tâtonnement, j'ai trouvé le code "ECM-P042000 Rendement du circuit catalytique inférieur au seuil". Cata HS? sonde qui merdouille?... A voir

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